Better Load Balancer Config of Harvester cloud provider

  • Related issue: #1435 better loadblancer config of Harvester cloud provider


  • Rancher Integration

Environment setup

  1. Install rancher 2.6.3 by docker
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --privileged rancher/rancher:v2.6.3

Verification Steps

  1. Import harvester to rancher virtualization management
  2. Create a harvester cluster by harvester driver
  3. Access the new harvester cluster from rancher cluster management
  4. Create a load balancer from service discovery -> services
  5. Re login rancher
  6. Open create load-balance page
  7. Click ctrl+R to refresh page
  8. Check the “Add-on Config” tabs

Expected Results

  1. User can configure port, IPAM and health check related setting on Add-on Config page image

  2. Can create load balancer correctly with health check setting