Remove a management node from a 3 nodes cluster and add it back to the cluster by reinstalling it

  1. From a HA cluster with 3 nodes
  2. Delete one of the nodes after the node promotion(all 3 nodes are management nodes)
  3. Reinstall the removed node with the same node name and IP
  4. The rejoined node will be promoted to master automatically

Expected Results

  1. The removed node should be able to rejoin the cluster without issues


  • Purpose is to cover this scenario:
  • Check the job promotion with the command kubectl get jobs -n harvester-system
  • If a node is stuck in the removing status, you likely face to this issue, execute this command as workaround: kubectl get node -o name <nodename> | xargs -i kubectl patch {} -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge