Networkconfigs function check

  • Related issues: #2841 [FEATURE] Reorganize the networkconfigs UI


  • Network

Verification Steps

  1. Go to Cluster Networks/Configs

  2. Create a cluster network and provide the name image

  3. Create a Network Config

  4. Given the NICs that not been used by mgmt-bo (eg. ens1f1)

  5. Use default active-backup mode

  6. Check the cluster network config in Active status image

  7. Go to Networks

  8. Create a VLAN network

  9. Given the name and vlan id

  10. Select the cluster network from drop down list image

  11. Check the vlan route activity image

  12. Check the NIC ens1f1 can bind to the cnetwork-bo

    harvester-r2rpc:~ # ip a | grep cnetwork-bo
    3: ens1f1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master cnetwork-bo state UP group default qlen 1000
    109: cnetwork-bo: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,MASTER,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue master cnetwork-br state UP group default qlen 1000
  13. Delete the created VLAN network

  14. Delete the network config from cluster network

  15. Delete the cluster network

  16. Create another cluster network cnetwork2 without network config setup on it image

  17. Go to create VLAN network page

  18. Provide vlan name and id

  19. Click the dropdown list and find the no config cluster network

Expected Results

  1. Can create a new custom cluster network image

  2. Can create network config based on available NICs ( for non mgmt-bo) image

  3. Can create VLAN network with valid id based on cluster network and config

  4. Can create custom VLAN network and route correctly in active status image

  5. Can delete created custom VLAN network

  6. Can delete network config from cluster network image image

  7. Can delete created cluster network image image image

  8. Cluster network without any network config will display with Not ready on the VLAN creation drop down list