37-Import Online Harvester From the Airgapped Rancher

Environment Setup

Setup the online harvester

  1. Use ipxe vagrant example to setup a 3 nodes cluster https://github.com/harvester/ipxe-examples/tree/main/vagrant-pxe-harvester
  2. Enable vlan on harvester-mgmt
  3. Now harvester dashboard page will out of work
  4. Create ubuntu cloud image from URL
  5. Create virtual machine with name vlan1 and id: 1
  6. Create virtual machine and assign vlan network, confirm can get ip address

Setup squid HTTP proxy server

  1. Move to vagrant pxe harvester folder
  2. Execute vagrant ssh pxe_server
  3. Run apt-get install squid
  4. Edit /etc/squid/squid.conf and add line
http_access allow all
http_port 3128
  1. Run systemctl restart squid

Setup the airgapped harvester

  1. Create an ubuntu virtual machine on localhost machine
  2. Assign harvester and vagrant-libvirt network to the virtual machine
  3. Run curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | bash to install docker
  4. Pull latest rancher image docker pull rancher/rancher:2.6-head
  5. Query default route ip r
  6. Remove default route ip r delete {delte route}
  7. Run rancher container by command:
$ sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
      -e HTTP_PROXY="" \
      -e HTTPS_PROXY="" \
      -e NO_PROXY="localhost,,,,cattle-system.svc,,.svc,.cluster.local,example.com" \
      --privileged rancher/rancher:v2.6.2
  1. Login rancher and set access url

Test steps

  1. Follow steps in 01-Import existing Harvester clusters in Rancher to import harvester
  2. Follow steps in 22-Create RKE2 Kubernetes Cluster to provision RKE2 cluster

Expected Results

  1. Can import harvester from Rancher correctly
  2. Can access downstream harvester cluster from Rancher dashboard
  3. Can provision at least one node RKE2 cluster to harvester correctly with running status
  4. Can explore provisioned RKE2 cluster nodes
  5. RKE2 cluster VM created running correctly on harvester node