Http proxy setting on harvester

  • Related issue: #1218 Missing http proxy settings on rke2 and rancher pod

  • Related issue: #1012 Failed to create image when deployed in private network environment


  • Network

Environment setup

Setup an airgapped harvester

  1. Clone ipxe example repository
  2. Edit the setting.xml file under vagrant ipxe example
  3. Set offline: true
  4. Use ipxe vagrant example to setup a 3 nodes cluster

Verification Steps

  1. Open Settings, edit http-proxy with the following values
NO_PROXY=localhost,,,,,cattle-system.svc,.svc,.cluster.local,<internal domain>
  1. Create image from URL (change folder date to latest)
  2. Create a virtual machine
  3. Prepare an S3 account with Bucket, Bucket region, Access Key ID and Secret Access Key
  4. Setup backup target in settings
  5. Edit virtual machine and take backup
  6. ssh to server node with user rancher
  7. Run kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx:latest on Harvester cluster
  8. Run kubectl get pods

Expected Results

  1. At Step 2, Can download and create image from URL without error image
  2. At step 6, Can backup running VM to external S3 storage correctly
  3. At step 6, Can delete backup from external S3 correctly
  4. At step 9, Can pull image from internet and deploy nginx pod in running status
harvester-node-0:/home/rancher # kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx:latest
deployment.apps/nginx created
harvester-node-0:/home/rancher # kubectl get pods 
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-55649fd747-hkfjh   1/1     Running   0          28s