Support Volume Hot Unplug (e2e_fe)

  • Related issues: #1401 Support volume hot-unplug


  • Storage

Environment setup

Setup an airgapped harvester

  1. Create an 3 nodes harvester cluster with large size disks
Scenario1: Live migrate VM already have hot-plugged volume to new node, then detach (hot-unplug) it

Verification Steps

  1. Create a virtual machine
  2. Create several volumes (without image)
  3. Add volume, hot-plug volume to virtual machine
  4. Open virtual machine, find hot-plugged volume
  5. Click de-attach volume
  6. Add volume again

Expected Results

  1. Can hot-plug volume without error
  2. Can hot-unplug the pluggable volumes without restarting VM
  3. The de-attached volume can also be hot-plug and mount back to VM