Check the VM is available when Harvester upgrade failed


  • Harvester Upgrade

Verification Steps

  1. Prepare the previous stable Harvester release cluster
  2. Create image
  3. Enable Network and create VM
  4. Create several virtual machine
  5. Follow the official document steps to prepare the online or offline upgrade
  6. Do not shutdown virtual machine
  7. Start the upgrade
  8. Check the VM status if the upgrade failed at Preload images, Upgrade Rancher and Upgrade Harvester phase
  9. Check the VM status if the upgrade failed at the Pre-drain, Post-drain and RKE2 & OS upgrade phase

Expected Results

  1. The VM should be work when upgrade failed at Preload images, Upgrade Rancher and Upgrade Harvester phase
  2. The VM could not able to function well when upgrade failed at the Pre-drain, Post-drain and RKE2 & OS upgrade phase