ISO installation console UI Display

  • Related issues: #2402 [FEATURE] Enhance the information display of ISO installation console UI (tty)


  • Harvester Installer

Verification Steps

  1. ISO install a single node Harvester
  2. Monitoring the ISO installation console UI
  3. ISO install a three node Harvester cluster
  4. Monitoring the ISO installation console UI of the first node
  5. Monitoring the ISO installation console UI of the second node
  6. Monitoring the ISO installation console UI of the third node

Expected Results

The ISO installation console UI enhancement can display correctly under the following single and multiple nodes scenarios.

Single node harvester

  1. Setting up Harvester cluster image

  2. Finish installation image

  3. Switch to F12 and turn back image image

Three nodes harvester cluster

  1. Setting up first node image

  2. first node finished image

  3. Second node finished image

  4. Third node finished image