32-Deploy Harvester CSI provider to RKE 1 Cluster

  • Related task: #1396 Integration Cloud Provider for RKE1 with Rancher

Environment Setup

  1. Docker install rancher v2.6.3
  2. Create one node harvester with enough resource

Verify steps

  1. Environment preparation as above steps
  2. Import harvester to rancher from harvester settings
  3. Create cloud credential
  4. Create RKE1 node template image
  5. Provision a RKE1 cluster, check the Harvester as cloud provider image
  6. Access RKE1 cluster
  7. Open charts in Apps & Market page
  8. Install Harvester CSI driver
  9. Make sure CSI driver installed complete
NAME: harvester-csi-driver
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Dec 16 03:59:54 2021
NAMESPACE: kube-system
STATUS: deployed
Successfully deployed Harvester CSI driver to the kube-system namespace.
SUCCESS: helm install --namespace=kube-system --timeout=10m0s --values=/home/shell/helm/values-harvester-csi-driver-100.0.0-up0.1.8.yaml --version=100.0.0+up0.1.8 --wait=true harvester-csi-driver /home/shell/helm/harvester-csi-driver-100.0.0-up0.1.8.tgz

Expected Results

  1. Provision RKE1 cluster successfully with Running status
  2. Can install the Harvester CSI driver correctly