67-Harvester persistent volume on k3s Cluster

  • Related task: #2755 Steps to manually install Harvester csi-driver on K3s cluster

Verify steps

Follow test case 66-Deploy Harvester csi driver to k3s Cluster to manually install csi-driver on k3s cluster

  1. Create a nginx deployment in Workload -> Deployments

  2. Create a Persistent Volume Claims, select storage class to harvester

  3. Select the Single-Node Read/Write

  4. Open Harvester Volumes page, check the corresponding volume exists image

  5. Click Execute shell to access Nginx container.

  6. Run dd if=/dev/null of=/test/tmpfile bs=1M count=512 image

  7. Delete the Nginx deployment.

  8. Create a standalone PVC on PersistentVolumeClaims page with harvester storage class

  9. Change to Harvester dashboard.

  10. Click the Edit config for the volume.

  11. Change volume size. We can see the volume is in Resizing status.

  12. Delete PVC in k3s dashboard.

Expected Results

  1. Check can deploy nginx service correctly image

  2. Check can correctly create PVC in PersistenVolumeClaims image

  3. Check can correctly create PV in PersistentVolumes image

  4. Check can allocate size in nginx container image

  5. Check the created stand alone PVC and PV on Rancher and Harvester volumes page image image image

  6. Check can resize and delete volume with harvester storage class image image

  7. Check the related volume should be deleted in Harvester too.