Image handling consistency between terraform data resource and Harvester UI created image

  • Related issues: #2443 [BUG] Image handling inconsistency between “Harvester Terraform harvester_image data source” vs. “UI created Image”


  • Terraform

Verification Steps

  1. Download latest terraform-provider

  2. Extra the zip file

  3. Create the with the following content

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    [[ -n $DEBUG ]] && set -x
    set -eou pipefail
    usage() {
        cat <<HELP
    mkdir -p "${terraform_harvester_provider_dir}"
    cp ${terraform_harvester_provider_bin} "${terraform_harvester_provider_dir}/terraform-provider-harvester_v${version}"
  4. Rename the extraced terraform-provider-harvester_v0.5.1 to terraform-provider-harvester in the same folder with the install script

  5. Execute the installation script

  6. Clone the terraform-provider project

  7. Get the Harvester kubeconfig and place to the specific config file

  8. Specify the kubeconfig path in

    terraform {
        required_version = ">= 0.13"
        required_providers {
        harvester = {
            source  = "harvester/harvester"
            version = "0.5.1"
    provider "harvester" {
        kubeconfig = "/home/davidtclin/.kube/config"
  9. Create a image ubuntu-18.04-minimal-cloudimg-amd64.img in the namespace harvester-public form UI side

  10. Create a data source harvester_image.ubuntu1804 in

    data "harvester_image" "ubuntu1804" {
    namespace    = "harvester-public"
    display_name = "ubuntu-18.04-minimal-cloudimg-amd64.img"
  11. Execute terraform init -upgrade

  12. Execute terraform apply

  13. Execute terraform show

    Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
    Do you want to perform these actions?
    Terraform will perform the actions described above.
    Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
    Enter a value: yes
    harvester_ssh_key.davidtclin: Creating...
    harvester_ssh_key.davidtclin: Creation complete after 0s [id=default/davidtclin]
    Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
  14. Execute terraform show

    davidtclin@localhost:~/Documents/Harvester/workspace/terraform-provider-harvester/examples/test> terraform show
    # data.harvester_image.ubuntu1804:
    data "harvester_image" "ubuntu1804" {
        display_name       = "ubuntu-18.04-minimal-cloudimg-amd64.img"
        id                 = "harvester-public/image-7w8tp"
        name               = "image-7w8tp"
        namespace          = "harvester-public"
        progress           = 100
        size               = 202637312
        source_type        = "download"
        state              = "Active"
        storage_class_name = "longhorn-image-7w8tp"
        tags               = {}
        url                = ""

Expected Results

We can use the data source refer to the display name that had been used via creation of the image via UI.

  1. Image resource created in image UI image

  2. Image state of running terraform show

    davidtclin@localhost:~/Documents/Harvester/workspace/terraform-provider-harvester/examples/test> terraform show
    # data.harvester_image.ubuntu1804:
    data "harvester_image" "ubuntu1804" {
        display_name       = "ubuntu-18.04-minimal-cloudimg-amd64.img"
        id                 = "harvester-public/image-7w8tp"
        name               = "image-7w8tp"
        namespace          = "harvester-public"
        progress           = 100
        size               = 202637312
        source_type        = "download"
        state              = "Active"
        storage_class_name = "longhorn-image-7w8tp"
        tags               = {}
        url                = ""