72-Use ipxe example to test fully airgapped rancher integration

  • Related task: #1808 RKE2 provisioning fails when Rancher has no internet access (air-gapped)

  • Note1: In this test, we use vagrant-pxe-airgap-harvester to automatically provide the fully airgapped environment

  • Note1: Compared to test case 68, we don’t need to manually create a separate VM for the Rancher instance and docker private registry, all the prerequisite environment can be done with the vagrant-pxe-airgap-harvester solution

Environment Setup

Phase 1: Create airgapped Harvester cluster, Rancher and private registry

  1. Clone the latest ipxe-example which include the vagrant-pxe-airgap-harvester
  2. Follow the Sample Host Loadout and Prerequisites in readme to prepare the prerequisite package
  3. If you use Opensuse Leap operating system, you may need to comment out the following line in Vagrantfile file
    # libvirt.loader = '/usr/share/qemu/OVMF.fd'
  4. Edit the settings.yml, confirm the image file url, harvester_cluster_nodes, cpu, memory and disk usage
  5. Check the rancher_version and rancher_version_no_prefix meet your requirement
  6. If you have plan to upgrade Rancher version, you also need to increase the size of node_disk_size
  7. Run ./setup_harvester.sh -c to start provisioning the airgapped infrastructure
  8. If you encounter failure like apt get update, please check your ansible and vagrant plugin version can meet the Prerequisite. You could also check the Ansible Galaxy's Community General module have been corrected installed or not

Please be noted: the entire provisioning process would take around six hours depending on the network bandwith

Phase 2: Configure Harvester

  1. Once the provisioning complete
  2. Create a vm network vlan1 on mgmt cluster network config
  3. Import SLES15-SP3-JeOS.x86_64-15.3-OpenStack-Cloud-GM.qcow2 to Harvester (We can also use opensuse leap 15.4 which contains qemu-agent)

Phase 3: Import Harvester from Rancher UI

  1. Access Harvester dashboard

  2. Open the containerd-registry in settings

  3. Add the following Mirrors and Configs image


        "Mirrors": {
            "docker.io": {
            "Endpoints": [
            "Rewrites": null
        "Configs": {
            "myregistry.local:5000": {
            "Auth": null,
            "TLS": {
                "CAFile": "",
                "CertFile": "",
                "KeyFile": "",
                "InsecureSkipVerify": true
    "Auths": null
  4. Open Rancher virtualization management page and click import

  5. Copy the registration URL and paste in the Harvester cluster URL settings

Test steps

After we already made Harvester imported in Rancher, we can use the following steps to Provision an RKE2 guest cluster

  • User credential to access Harvester dashboard (admin/testtesttest)
  • User credential to access Rancher dashboard (admin/rancher)
  • ssh credential to access Harvester node (rancher/p@ssword)
  • ssh credential to access Rancher VM (vagrant/vagrant)
  1. ssh to the Rancher VM instance

    $ ssh vagrant@ (password: vagrant)
  2. (On k3s with Rancher VM), Update coredns in k3s sudo vim /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/manifests/coredns.yaml

  3. Update Configmap data to the following

      Corefile: |
        .:53 {
            kubernetes cluster.local in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa {
              pods insecure
              fallthrough in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa
            hosts /etc/coredns/customdomains.db {
            prometheus :9153
            forward . /etc/resolv.conf
            cache 30
        import /etc/coredns/custom/*.server
      customdomains.db: | rancher-vagrant-vm.local
  4. Update deployment -> volumes, remove the NodeHost key and path, change with customdomains.db

        - name: config-volume
            name: coredns
            - key: Corefile
              path: Corefile
            - key: customdomains.db
              path: customdomains.db
  5. Ensure the SLES15-SP3-JeOS.x86_64-15.3-OpenStack-Cloud-GM.qcow2 already imported in Harvester (We can also use opensuse leap 15.4 which contains qemu-agent)

  6. Provision the RKE2 cluster, on the creation page add the following userData in advanced

    password: 123456
    chpasswd: { expire: False }
    ssh_pwauth: True
    - - systemctl
        - enable
        - '--now'
        - qemu-guest-agent
    - echo myregistry.local rancher-vagrant-vm.local >> /etc/hosts


  7. Wait for the guest cluster VM ready on Harvester to expose IP address image

  8. ssh to the RKE2 guest cluster VM

  9. Wait for the /etc/rancher folder created in provisioning

  10. (On the RKE2 guest VM), Create a file in /etc/rancher/agent/tmp_registries.yaml:

          - "https://myregistry.local:5000"
          insecure_skip_verify: true
  11. (On the RKE2 guest VM), Update rancher-system-agent config file /etc/rancher/agent/config.yaml.

    agentRegistriesFile: /etc/rancher/agent/tmp_registries.yaml
  12. (On the RKE2 guest VM) Restart rancher-system-agent.

    systemctl restart rancher-system-agent.service
  13. The provisioning failure will fixed and proceed image

  14. (On the RKE2 guest VM) Create a file in /etc/rancher/rke2/registries.yaml:

          - "https://myregistry.local:5000"
          insecure_skip_verify: true
  15. Check the rke2-server.service is up and running

    sudo systemctl status rke2-server.service
  16. if you rke2-server failed to start, you can check the /etc/hosts file on the guest cluster machine

  17. Check RKE2 cluster provisioning enter into Waiting for cluster agent to connect image

  18. Get the kubectl command on RKE2 VM

    export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml
    /var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin/kubectl get nodes
    NAME                               STATUS   ROLES                              AGE     VERSION
    rke2-v12316-pool1-43416171-x2l8f   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master,worker   7h52m   v1.23.16+rke2r1
  19. (On the RKE2 guest VM) Update ConfigMap kube-system/rke2-coredns-rke2-coredns in RKE2.

    ./kubectl get configmaps -A
    ./kubectl edit configmaps rke2-coredns-rke2-coredns -n kube-system
      Corefile: ".:53 {\n    errors \n    health  {\n        lameduck 5s\n    }\n    ready
        \n    kubernetes   cluster.local  cluster.local in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa {\n        pods
        insecure\n        fallthrough in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa\n        ttl 30\n    }\n    prometheus
        \\n   hosts /etc/coredns/customdomains.db rancher-vagrant-vm.local {\n
        \   fallthrough\n    }\n forward   . /etc/resolv.conf\n    cache   30\n    loop
        \n    reload \n    loadbalance \n}"
      customdomains.db: | rancher-vagrant-vm.local
  20. (On the RKE2 guest VM) Update Deployment kube-system/rke2-coredns-rke2-coredns.

    ./kubectl get deployments -A
    ./kubectl edit deployments rke2-coredns-rke2-coredns -n kube-system
    # add following to volumes[].configMap
      - configMap:
          defaultMode: 420
          - key: Corefile
            path: Corefile
          - key: customdomains.db
            path: customdomains.db
          name: rke2-coredns-rke2-coredns
        name: config-volume
  21. We can check the pod status to confirm all relative pods are recreating. And finally we could have the following pods running

    rke2-v12316-pool1-43416171-x2l8f:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin # ./kubectl get pods -A
    NAMESPACE             NAME                                                              READY   STATUS              RESTARTS        AGE
    calico-system         calico-kube-controllers-c6b87769c-hffq8                           1/1     Running             0               5h55m
    calico-system         calico-node-whndb                                                 1/1     Running             0               5h55m
    calico-system         calico-typha-74756dc885-fl5jt                                     1/1     Running             0               5h55m
    cattle-fleet-system   fleet-agent-7bbcf895fd-jkbk8                                      1/1     Running             0               9m10s
    cattle-system         apply-system-agent-upgrader-on-rke2-v12316-pool1-43416171-vlxlq   0/1     Completed           0               8m29s
    cattle-system         cattle-cluster-agent-6d94b9674b-hdtl6                             1/1     Running             0               10m
    cattle-system         system-upgrade-controller-79885c67d5-7b74n                        1/1     Running             0               9m10s
    kube-system           etcd-rke2-v12316-pool1-43416171-x2l8f                             1/1     Running             0               5h57m
    kube-system           harvester-cloud-provider-67589589b-nsftg                          1/1     Running             0               5h55m
    kube-system           harvester-csi-driver-controllers-86ccc7f485-4r8x5                 3/3     Running             0               5h55m
    kube-system           harvester-csi-driver-controllers-86ccc7f485-5hrxc                 3/3     Running             0               5h55m
    kube-system           harvester-csi-driver-controllers-86ccc7f485-hc622                 3/3     Running             0               5h55m
    kube-system           harvester-csi-driver-wz7lt                                        2/2     Running             0               5h54m
    kube-system           helm-install-harvester-cloud-provider-thqg2                       0/1     Completed           0               5h57m
    kube-system           helm-install-harvester-csi-driver-9ftrf                           0/1     Completed           0               5h57m
    kube-system           helm-install-rke2-calico-crd-p7tj6                                0/1     Completed           0               5h57m
    kube-system           helm-install-rke2-calico-zh7b8                                    0/1     Completed           2               5h57m
    kube-system           helm-install-rke2-coredns-7bdr7                                   0/1     Completed           0               5h57m
    kube-system           helm-install-rke2-ingress-nginx-rm2c7                             0/1     Completed           0               5h57m
    kube-system           helm-install-rke2-metrics-server-vrq4q                            0/1     Completed           0               5h57m
    kube-system           kube-apiserver-rke2-v12316-pool1-43416171-x2l8f                   1/1     Running             0               5h56m
    kube-system           kube-controller-manager-rke2-v12316-pool1-43416171-x2l8f          1/1     Running             1 (5h56m ago)   5h57m
    kube-system           kube-proxy-rke2-v12316-pool1-43416171-x2l8f                       1/1     Running             0               5h57m
    kube-system           kube-scheduler-rke2-v12316-pool1-43416171-x2l8f                   1/1     Running             1 (5h56m ago)   5h57m
    kube-system           rke2-coredns-rke2-coredns-78946844cc-7kf57                        1/1     Running             0               14m
    kube-system           rke2-coredns-rke2-coredns-autoscaler-695f789679-5vrzm             1/1     Running             0               5h55m
    kube-system           rke2-ingress-nginx-controller-qr6ml                               0/1     ContainerCreating   0               5h51m
    kube-system           rke2-metrics-server-f969c4b85-skc5c                               1/1     Running             0               5h54m
    tigera-operator       tigera-operator-7765f9f56-vnwdd                                   1/1     Running  


Query the images to check whether the specific kubernetes version package is supported

Please ensure your client can route to the RKE2 guest cluster VM

  • Check rke2-runtime
    curl -k https://myregistry.local:5000/v2/rancher/rke2-runtime/tags/list | jq
  • Check system-agent-installer
    curl -k https://myregistry.local:5000/v2/rancher/system-agent-installer-rke2/tags/list | jq

If encounter failure, we can also check the following service logs for more details

  • Check rancher-system-agent log
    journalctl -u rancher-system-agent.service --follow
  • Check rke2-server log
    journalctl -u rke2-server.service --follow

Restart related service

  • Restart rancher-system-agent service
    systemctl restart rancher-system-agent.service
  • Restart rke2-server service
    systemctl restart rke2-server.service

Expected Results

  1. Can import harvester from Rancher correctly

  2. Can access downstream harvester cluster from Rancher dashboard

  3. Can provision at least one node RKE2 cluster to harvester correctly with running status image

  4. Can explore provisioned RKE2 cluster nodes

  5. RKE2 cluster VM created running correctly on harvester node