VM on error state


Verify Items

  • Error message should displayed when VM can’t be scheduled
  • VM’s state should be changed when host is down

Case: Create a VM that no Node can host it

  1. Install Harvester with any nodes
  2. download a image to create VM
  3. create a VM with over-commit (consider to over-provisioning feature, double or triple the host resource would be more reliable.)
  4. VM should shows Starting state, and an alart icon shows aside.
  5. hover to the icon, pop-up message should display messages like 0/N nodes are available: n insufficient ...

Case: VM’s state changed to Not Ready when the host is down

  1. Install Harvester with 2+ nodes
  2. Create an Image for VM creation
  3. Create a VM and wait until state becomes Running
  4. Reboot the node which hosting the VM
  5. Node’s State should be In Progress in Hosts page
  6. VM’s State should be Not Ready in Virtual Machines page