Upgrade Harvester with HDD Disks


  • Upgrade Harvester

Environment requirement

  1. Network environment has available VLAN id setup on DHCP server
  2. DHCP server has setup the IP range can allocate to above VLAN id
  3. Harvester node can route to DHCP server through VLAN id to retrieve IP address
  4. Network has at least two NICs
  5. Use HDD disk with SMR type or slow I/O speed
    n1-103:~ # smartctl -a /dev/sda
    smartctl 7.2 2021-09-14 r5237...
    Model Family:     Seagate BarraCuda 3.5 (SMR)

Verification Steps

  1. Create images with different OS distribution
  2. Create several virtual machines, set network to management-network or available vlan
  3. Create virtual machine on different target node
  4. Setup NFS or S3 backup target in settings
  5. Backup each virtual machines
  6. Shutdown all virtual machines
  7. Offline upgrade to target version, refer to https://docs.harvesterhci.io/v1.1/upgrade/automatic
  8. Apply the increase the job deadline workaround before clicking the upgrade button on dashboard
    $ cat > /tmp/fix.yaml <<EOF
        systemUpgradeJobActiveDeadlineSeconds: "3600"
    $ kubectl patch managedcharts.management.cattle.io local-managed-system-upgrade-controller --namespace fleet-local --patch-file=/tmp/fix.yaml --type merge
    $ kubectl -n cattle-system rollout restart deploy/system-upgrade-controller

Expected Results

  1. Can completely upgrade Harvester to specific version
  2. All pods is running correctly
  3. Check can display Monitoring Chart
    • Prometheus dashboard
    • VM metrics
  4. Can access dashboard by VIP
  5. Can use original password to login
  6. Can start VM in running status
  7. Image exists without corrupted
  8. Volume exists
  9. Virtual network exists
  10. Backup exists
  11. Setting value exists
  12. Check the network connectivity of VLAN
  13. Can restore VM from backup
  14. Can import Harvester in Rancher
  15. Can add additional nodes to existing Harvester cluster
  16. Can create new vms