Restored VM name does not support uppercases

  • Related issues: #4544 [BUG] Unable to restore backup into new VM when the name starts with upper case


  • Backup/Restore

Verification Steps

  1. Setup backup-target in ‘Advanced’ -> ‘Settings’
  2. Create an image for VM creation
  3. Create a VM vm1
  4. Take a VM backup vm1b
  5. Go to ‘Backup & Snapshot’, restore vm1b to new VM

Positive Cases

  1. Single lower
  2. Lowers
  3. Lowers contains ‘.’
  4. Lowers contains ‘-’
  5. Lowers contains ‘.’ and ‘-’ image

Negtive Cases

  1. Upper image

  2. Upper infront of valid image

  3. Upper append to valid image

  4. Upper in the middle of valid image

Expected Results

VM name should comply with following rules:

  • lower alphanumeric characters, ‘-’ or ‘.’
  • start and end with an alphanumeric character