Support volume hot plug live migrate

  • Related issues: #1401 Support volume hot-unplug


  • Storage

Environment setup

Setup an airgapped harvester

  1. Create an 3 nodes harvester cluster with large size disks

Verification Steps

Scenario2: Live migrate VM not have hot-plugged volume before, do hot-plugged the unplugged.
  1. Create a virtual machine
  2. Create several volumes (without image)
  3. Add volume, hot-plug volume to virtual machine
  4. Open virtual machine, find hot-plugged volume
  5. Click Detach volume
  6. Add volume again
  7. Migrate VM from one node to another
  8. Detach volume
  9. Add unplugged volume again

Expected Results

  1. Can hot-plug volume without error
  2. Can hot-unplug the pluggable volumes without restarting VM
  3. The de-attached volume can also be hot-plug and mount back to VM