VLAN Upgrade Test

  • Related issues: #2734 [FEATURE] VLAN enhancement upgrading


  • Upgrade

Verification Steps

Test plan 1: harvester-mgmt vlan1

  1. Prepare a 3 nodes v1.0.3 Harvester cluster
  2. Enable network on harvester-mgmt
  3. Create vlan id 1
  4. Create two VMs, one set to vlan 1 and another use harvester-mgmt
  5. Perform manual upgrade to v1.1.0

Test plan 2: enps0 NIC with valid vlan

  1. Prepare a 3 nodes v1.0.3 Harvester cluster
  2. Enable network on another NIC (eg. enp129s0)
  3. Create vlan id 91 on enp129s0
  4. Create two VMs, one set to vlan 91 and another use harvester-mgmt
  5. Perform manual upgrade to v1.1.0

Test plan 3: Bond mode using Harvester config file

  1. Edit the ipxe-example add two additional NICs in Vagrantfile
    harvester_node.vm.network 'private_network',
            libvirt__network_name: 'harvester'
        harvester_node.vm.network 'private_network',
            libvirt__network_name: 'harvester'
  2. Add the harvester-vlan network in /ansible/roles/harvester/templates/config-create.yaml.j2
    mode: create
        - name: {{ settings['harvester_network_config']['cluster'][0]['mgmt_interface'] }}  # The management interface name
        method: dhcp
        - name: {{ settings['harvester_network_config']['cluster'][0]['vagrant_interface'] }}
        method: dhcp
        - name: ens7
        - name: ens8
        method: none
  3. Prepare a 1 nodes v1.0.3 Harvester cluster using ipex-example
  4. Check the harvester-vlan link device status ip -d l show dev harvester-vlan
  5. Create several vlan based on harvester-vlan interface
  6. Create a VM with vlan 1 network
  7. The harvester-vlan config before upgrade
        - name: ens7
            hwaddr: ""
        - name: ens8
            hwaddr: ""
        method: none
        ip: ""
        subnetmask: ""
        gateway: ""
        defaultroute: false
        bondoptions: {}
        mtu: 0

Expected Results

  1. Can successfully upgrade to v1.1.0
  2. Check the network bridge mgmt-br exists ip a
  3. Check there is vlan 1 created on default cluster network (For Test plan1)
  4. Check there is vlan with id created on related cluster network (For Test plan2)
  5. Check the cluster networks contains mgmt and vlan (For Test plan3)
  6. Check the yaml content of vlan1 (For Test plan1)
  7. Check the yaml content of available vlan 91 (For Test plan2)
  8. Check new network feature and UI work on v1.1.0
  9. Check new network feature and UI, vlan1 on mgmt, vlan91 on vlan (For Test plan2)