Polish harvester machine config in Rancher

  • Related issues: #2598 [BUG]Polish harvester machine config


  • Rancher integration

Verification Steps

  1. Import Harvester from Rancher
  2. Create a standard user local in Rancher User & Authentication
  3. Open Cluster Management page
  4. Edit cluster config image
  5. Expand Member Roles
  6. Add local user with Cluster Owner role image
  7. Create cloud credential of Harvester
  8. Login with local user
  9. Open the provisioning RKE2 cluster page
  10. Select Advanced settings
  11. Add Pod Scheduling
  12. Select Pods in these namespaces
  13. Check the list of available pods with the namespaces options above
  14. Check can input Topology key value
  15. Access Harvester UI (Not from Rancher)
  16. Open project/namespace
  17. Create several namespaces
  18. Login local user to Rancher
  19. Open the the provisioning RKE2 cluster page
  20. Check the available Pods in these namespaces list have been updated

Expected Results

Checked the following test plan for RKE2 cluster are working as expected

  1. Available namespace options are affiliated with (the same as) what we show in the management cluster namespace list image image

  2. We can input the topology key in the Topology key field of the pod selector image

  3. We can get the updated namespace list of cluster in the pod selector image