Create a 3 nodes harvester cluster with RKE1 (only with mandatory info, other values stays with default)

  1. From the Rancher home page, click on Create
  2. Select RKE1 on the right and click on Harvester
  3. Enter a cluster name
  4. Give a prefix name for the VMs
  5. Increase count to 3 nodes
  6. Check etcd, Control Plane and Worker boxes
  7. Select or create a node template if needed
    • Click on Add node template
    • Create credentials by selecting your harvester cluster
    • Fill the instance option fields, pay attention to correctly write the default ssh user of the chosen image in the SSH user field
    • Give a name to the rancher template and click on Create
  8. Click on create to spin the cluster up

Expected Results

  1. The status of the created cluster shows active
  2. The status of the corresponding vm on harvester active
  3. The 3 nodes should be with the active status