template with EFI (e2e_fe)

  • Related issues: #2577 [BUG] Boot in EFI mode not selected when creating multiple VM instances using VM template with EFI mode selected.


  • Template

Verification Steps

  1. Go to Template, create a VM template with Boot in EFI mode selected. image
  2. Go to Virtual Machines, click Create, select Multiple instance, type in a random name prefix, and select the VM template we just created. image
  3. Go to Advanced Options, for now this EFI checkbox should be checked without any issue. image
  4. Create a VM with template

Expected Results

  1. Check VM setting, the booting in EFI mode is checked image
  2. Verify that VM is running with UEFI using
ubuntu@efi-01:~$ ls /sys/firmware/
acpi  dmi  efi  memmap