Node Labeling for VM scheduling


Verify Items

  • Host labels can be assigned during installation via config-create / config-join YAML.
  • Host labels can be managed post installation via the Harvester UI.
  • Host label information can be accessed in Rancher Virtualization Management UI.

Case: Label node when installing

  1. Install Harvester with config file and os.labels option
  2. Navigate to Host details then navigate to Labels in Config
  3. Check additional labels should be displayed

Case: Label node after installed

  1. Install Harvester with at least 2 nodes
  2. Navigate to Host details then navigate to Labels in Config
  3. Use edit config to modify labels
  4. Reboot the Node and wait until its state become active
  5. Navigate to Host details then Navigate to Labels in Config
  6. Check modified labels should be displayed

Case: Node’s Label availability

  1. Install Harvester with at least 2 nodes
  2. Navigate to Host details then navigate to Labels in Config
  3. Use edit config to modify labels
  4. Reboot the Node and wait until its state become active
  5. Navigate to Host details then Navigate to Labels in Config
  6. Check modified labels should be displayed
  7. Install Rancher with any nodes
  8. Navigate to Virtualization Management and import former created Harvester
  9. Wait Until state become Active
  10. Click Name field to visit dashboard
  11. repeat step 2-7, and both compare from Harvester’s dashboard (accessing via Harvester’s VIP)