70-Pool LoadBalancer service no health check

Prerequisite: Already provision RKE1/RKE2 cluster in previous test case

  1. Open Global Settings in hamburger menu

  2. Replace ui-dashboard-index to https://releases.rancher.com/harvester-ui/dashboard/latest/index.html

  3. Change ui-offline-preferred to Remote

  4. Refresh the current page (ctrl + r)

  5. Access Harvester dashboard UI

  6. Go to Settings

  7. Create a vip-pool in Harvester settings. image

  8. Open provisioned RKE2 cluster from hamburger menu

  9. Drop down Service Discovery

  10. Click Services

  11. Click Create

  12. Select Load Balancer image.png

  13. Given service name

  14. Provide Listening port and Target port image.png

  15. Click Add-on Config

  16. Provide Health Check port

  17. Select pool as IPAM mode

Expected Results

  1. Can create load balance service correctly
  2. Can operate and route to deployed service correctly