Live migration is only supported when the network is masquerade or management
Live Migration
- Initiate multiple migrations at one time
- Migrate a turned on VM from one host to another
- Migrate a VM created with cloud init config data
- Migrate a VM created with user data config
- Migrate a VM that has multiple volumes
- Migrate a VM that was created from a template
- Migrate a VM that was created using a restore backup to new VM
- Migrate a VM with 1 backup
- Migrate a VM with a saved SSH Key
- Migrate a VM with multiple backups
- Migrate a VM with multiple networks
- Migrate to Node without replicaset
- Migrate VM from Restored backup
- Negative migrate a turned on VM from one host to another
- Negative network disconnection for a longer time while migration is in progress
- Negative network disconnection for a short time while migration is in progress
- Negative node down while migration is in progress
- Negative node un-schedulable during live migration
- Support volume hot plug live migrate
- Test aborting live migration
- Test zero downtime for live migration download test
- Test zero downtime for live migration ping test