Witness node is a lightweight node only runs etcd which is not schedulable and also not for workloads. The main use case is to form a quorum with the other 2 nodes.
Kubernetes need at least 3 etcd nodes to form a quorum, so Harvester also suggests using at least 3 nodes with similar hardware spec. This witness node feature aims for the edge case that user only have 2 powerful + 1 lightweight nodes thus helping benefit both cost and high availability.
Related Issues
- #3266 Support 2 Node / Witness Configuration
- #4840 [ENHANCEMENT] various witness mode related enhancement
- HLD: https://github.com/harvester/harvester/blob/master/enhancements/20231113-witness-node-support.md
addon: https://docs.harvesterhci.io/v1.3/advanced/addons/rancher-vcluster
Verification Steps
- Setup a 2 nodes cluster with default installation role
- Check nodes’ role
- node-0: Management node
- node-1: Compute node (quorum yet)
- Setup and join 3rd node with witness role
- Check nodes’ role
- node-0: Management node
- node-1: Management node (Reach quorum, promoted)
- node-2: Witness node
- Create a VM using default storage class
with some test data- Volume should be
since replica count is NOT satisfied (expect 3 but only 2 management nodes) - Can NOT migrate VM to witness node
- Can take snapshot
- Can take backup
- Volume should be
- Enable
- Join Harvester to Rancher
- Create Nginx deployment
- Create load balancer for deployment
Expected Results
- Restart VM, VM and its data should still fine.
- Restore snapshot, VM and its data should still fine.
- Restore backup, VM and its data should still fine.
- Except manual setup, another approach is harvester setup configuration https://docs.harvesterhci.io/v1.3/install/harvester-configuration#installrole