Negative Power down the node where the VM is getting replaced by the restore

  • Related issues
    • tests#1263 [ReleaseTesting] Negative Power down the node where the VM is getting replaced by the restore

Verification Steps

  1. Setup a 3 nodes harvester

  2. Create a VM w/ extra disk and some data

  3. Backup and shutdown VM

  4. Start to observe pod/virt-launcher-VMNAME to get the node VM restoring on for next step.

  5. Initiate a restore with existing VM, get node info from pod/virt-launcher-VMNAME. image

  6. While the restore is in progress and VM is starting on a node, shut down the node

Expected Results

  1. 1st restore should fail image

  2. VM should be restore to another node and Running image

  3. Test data still available and not broken image