Delete first backup in chained backup (e2e_be)
- Create a new VM
- Create a file named 1 and add text
- Create a backup
- Edit text in file 1
- create file 2
- Create Backup
- Edit file 2 text
- Create file 3 and add text
- Create backup
- Delete backup 1
- Validate file 2 and 3 are the same as they were
- Restore to backup 2
- Validate that
md5sum -c file1-2.md5 file2.md5 file3.md5
- file 1 is in second format
- file 2 is in first format
- file 3 doesn’t exist
Expected Results
- Vm should create
- All file operations should create
- Backup should run
- All file operations should create
- Backup should run
- All file operations should create
- files should be as expected