Module harvester_e2e_tests.integrations.test_5_vm_networks_interact
def check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout)
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def check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout): endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") if 'ipAddress' in data['status']['interfaces'][0]: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to get VM {vm_name} IP address, exceed the given timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" )
def check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout)
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def check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout): endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) vm_fields = data['metadata']['fields'] assert 200 == code, (code, data) if vm_fields[2] == 'Running': break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to create VM {vm_name} in Running status, exceed given timeout\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" )
def client()
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@pytest.fixture(scope="session") def client(): client = paramiko.client.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) yield client client.close()
def cluster_network(vlan_nic, api_client, unique_name)
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@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def cluster_network(vlan_nic, api_client, unique_name): code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.get_config() assert 200 == code, (code, data) node_key = '' cnet_nodes = dict() # cluster_network: items for cfg in data['items']: if vlan_nic in cfg['spec']['uplink']['nics']: nodes = json.loads(cfg['metadata']['annotations'][node_key]) cnet_nodes.setdefault(cfg['spec']['clusterNetwork'], []).extend(nodes) code, data = api_client.hosts.get() assert 200 == code, (code, data) all_nodes = set(n['id'] for n in data['data']) try: # vlad_nic configured on specific cluster network, reuse it yield next(cnet for cnet, nodes in cnet_nodes.items() if all_nodes == set(nodes)) return None except StopIteration: configured_nodes = reduce(add, cnet_nodes.values(), []) if any(n in configured_nodes for n in all_nodes): raise AssertionError( "Not all nodes' VLAN NIC {vlan_nic} are available.\n" f"VLAN NIC configured nodes: {configured_nodes}\n" f"All nodes: {all_nodes}\n" ) # Create cluster network cnet = f"cnet-{datetime.strptime(unique_name, '%Hh%Mm%Ss%f-%m-%d').strftime('%H%M%S')}" created = [] code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.create(cnet) assert 201 == code, (code, data) while all_nodes: node = all_nodes.pop() code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.create_config(node, cnet, vlan_nic, hostname=node) assert 201 == code, ( f"Failed to create cluster config for {node}\n" f"Created: {created}\t Remaining: {all_nodes}\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) created.append(node) yield cnet # Teardown deleted = {name: api_client.clusternetworks.delete_config(name) for name in created} failed = [(name, code, data) for name, (code, data) in deleted.items() if 200 != code] if failed: fmt = "Unable to delete VLAN Config {} with error ({}): {}" raise AssertionError( "\n".join(fmt.format(name, code, data) for (name, code, data) in failed) ) code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.delete(cnet) assert 200 == code, (code, data)
def create_image_url(api_client, display_name, image_url, wait_timeout)
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def create_image_url(api_client, display_name, image_url, wait_timeout): code, data = api_client.images.create_by_url(display_name, image_url) assert 201 == code, (code, data) image_spec = data.get('spec') assert display_name == image_spec.get('displayName') assert "download" == image_spec.get('sourceType') endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.images.get(display_name) image_status = data.get('status', {}) assert 200 == code, (code, data) if image_status.get('progress') == 100: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to download image {display_name} with {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" )
def vm_network(api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout, cluster_network, vlan_id)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="module") def vm_network(api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout, cluster_network, vlan_id): code, data = api_client.networks.create( unique_name, vlan_id, cluster_network=cluster_network ) assert 201 == code, (code, data) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.networks.get(unique_name) annotations = data['metadata'].get('annotations', {}) if 200 == code and annotations.get(''): route = json.loads(annotations['']) if route['cidr']: break sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError( "VM network created but route info not available\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) yield dict(name=unique_name, cidr=route['cidr'], namespace=data['metadata']['namespace']) code, data = api_client.networks.delete(unique_name) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.networks.get(unique_name) if 404 == code: break sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to remote VM network {unique_name} after {wait_timeout}s\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" )
class TestBackendNetwork
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks class TestBackendNetwork: @pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks def test_mgmt_network_connection( self, api_client, request, client, image_opensuse, unique_name, wait_timeout, host_shell, vm_shell_from_host, vm_checker ): """ Manual test plan reference: Steps: 1. Create a new VM 2. Make sure that the network is set to the management network with masquerade as the type 3. Wait until the VM boot in running state 4. Check can ping VM with management network from Harvester node 5. Check can SSH to VM with management network from Harvester node 6. Check can't SSH to VM with management network from external host """ vip = request.config.getoption('--endpoint').strip('https://') vm_user, vm_passwd = vm_credential['user'], vm_credential['password'] # Check image exists code, data = api_client.images.get( if code == 404: create_image_url(api_client,, image_opensuse.url, wait_timeout) # Update AllowTcpForwarding for ssh jumpstart spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 2) spec.user_data += cloud_user_data.format(password=vm_passwd) vm_name = unique_name + "-mgmt" # Create VM spec.add_image(, "default/" + code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (f"Failed to create vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Get VM interface ipAddresses code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] assert 1 == len(interfaces_data), ( f"Failed: get more than one interface: {interfaces_data}" ) mgmt_ip = interfaces_data[0]['ipAddress'] # Ping management ip address from Harvester node with host_shell.login(vip) as sh: stdout, stderr = sh.exec_command(f"ping -c 50 {mgmt_ip}") assert stdout.find(f"64 bytes from {mgmt_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM management IP {mgmt_ip} " f"on management interface from Harvester node") # SSH to management ip address and execute command from Harvester node with vm_shell_from_host(vip, mgmt_ip, vm_user, vm_passwd) as sh: stdout, stderr = sh.exec_command("ls") assert stdout.find("bin") == 0, ( f"Failed to ssh to VM management IP {mgmt_ip} " f"on management interface from Harvester node") # Check should not SSH to management ip address from external host command = ['/usr/bin/ssh', '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=5', mgmt_ip] with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as ex: subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") # OpenSSH returns the return code of the program that was executed on # the remote, unless there was an error for SSH itself, in which case # it returns 255 assert ex.value.returncode == 255, ("Failed: should not be able to SSH" " to VM on management interface" f" {mgmt_ip} from external host") # teardown code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_checker.wait_deleted(vm_name) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name) @pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks @pytest.mark.dependency(name="vlan_network_connection") def test_vlan_network_connection(self, api_client, request, client, unique_name, image_opensuse, vm_network, wait_timeout, vm_checker): """ Manual test plan reference: Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Create a new VM and set the external vlan network to it 3. Check can ping external VLAN IP from external host 4. Check can SSH to VM from external IP from external host """ vm_name = unique_name + "-vlan" # Check image exists code, data = api_client.images.get( if code == 404: create_image_url(api_client,, image_opensuse.url, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 2, mgmt_network=False) spec.user_data += cloud_user_data.format(password=vm_credential["password"]) # Create VM spec.add_image(, "default/" + spec.add_network("nic-1", f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}") code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (f"Failed to create vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Get VM interface ipAddresses code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] assert 1 == len(interfaces_data), ( f"Failed: get more than one interface: {interfaces_data}" ) assert "nic-1" == interfaces_data[0]['name'], ( f"Failed: Network name did not match to added vlan: {interfaces_data}" ) vlan_ip = interfaces_data[0]['ipAddress'] # Ping vlan ip address from external host command = ['/usr/bin/ping', '-c', '50', vlan_ip] result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") assert result.find(f"64 bytes from {vlan_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip} " f"on vlan interface from external host") # SSH to vlan ip address and execute command from external host _stdout, _stderr = self.ssh_client( client, vlan_ip, vm_credential["user"], vm_credential["password"], 'ls', wait_timeout) stdout ='ascii').strip("\n") assert stdout.find("bin") == 0, ( f"Failed to ssh to VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip}" f"on vlan interface from external host") # teardown code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_checker.wait_deleted(vm_name) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name) @pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks @pytest.mark.dependency(name="reboot_vlan_connection", depends=["vlan_network_connection"]) def test_reboot_vlan_connection(self, api_client, request, unique_name, image_opensuse, vm_network, wait_timeout, vm_checker): """ Manual test plan reference: Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Create a new VM and add the external vlan network 3. Check can ping external VLAN IP 4. Reboot VM 5. Ping VM during reboot 6. Check can't ping VM during reboot 7. Check the VM should reboot 8. Ping VM after reboot 9. Check can ping VM """ vm_name = unique_name + "-reboot-vlan" # Check image exists code, data = api_client.images.get( if code == 404: create_image_url(api_client,, image_opensuse.url, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 2, mgmt_network=False) spec.user_data += cloud_user_data.format(password=vm_credential["password"]) # Create VM spec.add_image(, "default/" + spec.add_network("nic-1", f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}") code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (f"Failed to create vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Get VM interface ipAddresses code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] assert 1 == len(interfaces_data), ( f"Failed: get more than one interface: {interfaces_data}" ) assert "nic-1" == interfaces_data[0]['name'], ( f"Failed: Network name did not match to added vlan: {interfaces_data}" ) vlan_ip = interfaces_data[0]['ipAddress'] # Check can ping vlan ip command = ['/usr/bin/ping', '-c', '10', vlan_ip] result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") assert result.find(f"64 bytes from {vlan_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip} " f"on vlan interface from external host") # Restart VM code, data = api_client.vms.restart(vm_name) assert 204 == code, (f"Failed to reboot vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in Starting state endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") vm_fields = data['metadata']['fields'] if vm_fields[2] == 'Starting': break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to restart VM {vm_name} in Starting status, exceed given timeout\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) # Check can't ping vlan ip during reboot command = ['/usr/bin/ping', '-c', '10', vlan_ip] process =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) result = process.stdout assert result.find(f"64 bytes from {vlan_ip}") < 0, ( f"Failed: since can ping VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip} " f"on vlan interface from external host during reboot") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Get VM interface ipAddresses code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] assert 1 == len(interfaces_data), ( f"Failed: get more than one interface: {interfaces_data}" ) assert "nic-1" == interfaces_data[0]['name'], ( f"Failed: Network name did not match to added vlan: {interfaces_data}" ) vlan_ip = interfaces_data[0]['ipAddress'] # Ping vlan ip address command = ['/usr/bin/ping', '-c', '10', vlan_ip] result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") assert result.find(f"64 bytes from {vlan_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip} " f"on vlan interface from external host") # teardown code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_checker.wait_deleted(vm_name) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name) @pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks def test_mgmt_to_vlan_connection(self, api_client, request, client, unique_name, image_opensuse, vm_network, wait_timeout, vm_checker): """ Manual test plan reference: Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Create a new VM 3. Make sure that the network is set to the management network with masquerade as the type 4. Wait until the VM boot in running state 5. Edit VM and change management network to external VLAN with bridge type 6. Check VM should save and reboot 7. Check can ping the VM from an external network host 8. Check can ssh to the VM from an external network host """ # Check image exists code, data = api_client.images.get( if code == 404: create_image_url(api_client,, image_opensuse.url, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 2) spec.user_data += cloud_user_data.format(password=vm_credential["password"]) vm_name = unique_name + "-mgmt-vlan" # Create VM spec.add_image(, "default/" + code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (f"Failed to create vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # get data from running VM and transfer to spec code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") spec = spec.from_dict(data) # Switch to vlan network spec.mgmt_network = False spec.add_network("nic-1", f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}") # Update VM spec code, data = api_client.vms.update(vm_name, spec) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to update specific vm with spec: {code}, {data}") code, data = api_client.vms.restart(vm_name) assert 204 == code, (f"Failed to restart specific vm: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Get VM interface ipAddresses code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] assert 1 == len(interfaces_data), ( f"Failed: get more than one interface: {interfaces_data}" ) # Determine by vlan network Name endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) ip_addresses = [] while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") if 'interfaces' in data['status']: interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] ip_addresses = [] for interface in interfaces_data: # Check the ipAddress in digital format if ( 'ipAddress' in interface and interface['ipAddress'].replace('.', '').isdigit() ): ip_addresses.append(interface['ipAddress']) if len(ip_addresses) > 0: if 'nic-1' in interface['name']: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to get VM {vm_name} IP address, exceed given timeout\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) # Ping vlan ip address vlan_ip = ip_addresses[0] command = ['/usr/bin/ping', '-c', '50', vlan_ip] result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") assert result.find(f"64 bytes from {vlan_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip} " f"on vlan interface from external host") # SSH to vlan ip address and execute command _stdout, _stderr = self.ssh_client( client, vlan_ip, vm_credential["user"], vm_credential["password"], 'ls', wait_timeout) stdout ='ascii').strip("\n") assert stdout.find("bin") == 0, ( f"Failed to ssh to VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip}" f"on vlan interface from external host") # teardown code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_checker.wait_deleted(vm_name) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name) @pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks def test_vlan_to_mgmt_connection( self, api_client, request, client, unique_name, image_opensuse, vm_network, wait_timeout, host_shell, vm_shell_from_host, vm_checker ): """ Manual test plan reference: Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Create a new VM 3. Make sure that the network is set to the vlan network with bridge as the type 4. Wait until the VM boot in running state 5. Edit VM and change from external VLAN to management network 6. Check VM should save and reboot 7. Check can ping VM with management network from Harvester node 8. Check can SSH to VM with management network from Harvester node 9. Check can't SSH to VM with management network from external host """ vip = request.config.getoption('--endpoint').strip('https://') vm_user, vm_passwd = vm_credential['user'], vm_credential['password'] # Check image exists code, data = api_client.images.get( if code == 404: create_image_url(api_client,, image_opensuse.url, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 2, mgmt_network=False) spec.user_data += cloud_user_data.format(password=vm_passwd) vm_name = unique_name + "-vlan-mgmt" # Create VM spec.add_image(, "default/" + spec.add_network("default", f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}") code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (f"Failed to create vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # get data from running VM and transfer to spec code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") spec = spec.from_dict(data) spec.networks = [] spec.mgmt_network = True code, data = api_client.vms.update(vm_name, spec) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to update specific vm with spec: {code}, {data}") code, data = api_client.vms.restart(vm_name) assert 204 == code, (f"Failed to restart specific vm: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm status: {code}, {data}") if 'interfaces' in data['status']: interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] ip_addresses = [] if 'ipAddress' in data['status']['interfaces'][0]: if 'default' in interfaces_data[0]['name']: if 'domain, guest-agent' not in interfaces_data[0]['infoSource']: ip_addresses.append(interfaces_data[0]['ipAddress']) break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to get VM {vm_name} IP address, exceed the given timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) # Check can ping management ip address from Harvester node mgmt_ip = ip_addresses[0] with host_shell.login(vip) as sh: stdout, stderr = sh.exec_command(f"ping -c 50 {mgmt_ip}") assert stdout.find(f"64 bytes from {mgmt_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM management IP {mgmt_ip} " f"on management interface from Harvester node") # Check can ssh to host and execute command from Harvester node with vm_shell_from_host(vip, mgmt_ip, vm_user, vm_passwd) as sh: stdout, stderr = sh.exec_command("ls") assert stdout.find("bin") == 0, ( f"Failed to ssh to VM management IP {mgmt_ip} " f"on management interface from Harvester node") # Check should not SSH to management ip address from external host command = ['/usr/bin/ssh', '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=5', mgmt_ip] with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as ex: subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") # OpenSSH returns the return code of the program that was executed on # the remote, unless there was an error for SSH itself, in which case # it returns 255 assert ex.value.returncode == 255, ("Failed: should not be able to SSH" " to VM on management interface" f" {mgmt_ip} from external host") # teardown code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_checker.wait_deleted(vm_name) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name) @pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks def test_delete_vlan_from_multiple( self, api_client, request, client, unique_name, image_opensuse, vm_network, wait_timeout, host_shell, vm_checker ): """ Manual test plan reference: Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Make sure that the network is set to the management network with masquerade as the type 3. Add another external VLAN management 4. Create VM 5. Wait until the VM boot in running state 6. Delete the external VLAN from VM 7. Check can ping the VM on the management network 8. Check can't SSH to VM with management network from external host """ vip = request.config.getoption('--endpoint').strip('https://') # Check image exists code, data = api_client.images.get( if code == 404: create_image_url(api_client,, image_opensuse.url, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 2) spec.user_data += cloud_user_data.format(password=vm_credential["password"]) # Add network data to trigger DHCP on multiple NICs spec.network_data += cloud_network_data vm_name = unique_name + "-delete-vlan" # Add image spec.add_image(, "default/" + # Add external vlan network spec.add_network("nic-1", f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}") # Create VM code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (f"Failed to create vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check have 2 NICs and wait until all ip address exists endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") if len(data['status']['interfaces']) == 2: if 'ipAddress' in data['status']['interfaces'][0]: if 'ipAddress' in data['status']['interfaces'][1]: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to get multiple IPs on VM: {vm_name}, exceed the given timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) # get data from running VM and transfer to spec code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") spec = spec.from_dict(data) spec.networks = [] spec.mgmt_network = True code, data = api_client.vms.update(vm_name, spec) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to update specific vm with spec: {code}, {data}") code, data = api_client.vms.restart(vm_name) assert 204 == code, (f"Failed to restart specific vm: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) ip_addresses = [] while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm status: {code}, {data}") if 'interfaces' in data['status']: interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] ip_addresses = [] interfaces = data['status']['interfaces'] if len(interfaces) == 1 and 'ipAddress' in interfaces[0]: ip_addresses.append(interfaces_data[0]['ipAddress']) if 'default' in interfaces_data[0]['name']: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to get VM {vm_name} IP address, exceed the given timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) # Ping management ip address mgmt_ip = ip_addresses[0] ping_command = "ping -c 50 {0}".format(mgmt_ip) with host_shell.login(vip) as sh: stdout, stderr = sh.exec_command(ping_command) assert stdout.find(f"64 bytes from {mgmt_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM management IP {mgmt_ip} " f"on management interface from Harvester node: {code}, {data}") # #Check should not SSH to management ip address from external host command = ['/usr/bin/ssh', '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=5', mgmt_ip] with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as ex: subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") # OpenSSH returns the return code of the program that was executed on # the remote, unless there was an error for SSH itself, in which case # it returns 255 assert ex.value.returncode == 255, ("Failed: should not be able to SSH" " to VM on management interface" f" {mgmt_ip} from external host") # teardown code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_checker.wait_deleted(vm_name) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name) def ssh_client(self, client, dest_ip, username, password, command, timeout, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False): client.connect(dest_ip, username=username, password=password, allow_agent=allow_agent, look_for_keys=look_for_keys, timeout=timeout) split_command = shlex.split(command) _stdin, _stdout, _stderr = client.exec_command(' '.join( shlex.quote(part) for part in split_command), get_pty=True) return _stdout, _stderr def ssh_jumpstart(self, client, dest_ip, client_ip, client_user, client_password, dest_user, dest_password, command, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False): client.connect(client_ip, username=client_user, password=client_password, allow_agent=allow_agent, look_for_keys=look_for_keys) client_transport = client.get_transport() dest_addr = (dest_ip, 22) client_addr = (client_ip, 22) client_channel = client_transport.open_channel("direct-tcpip", dest_addr, client_addr) jumpstart = paramiko.SSHClient() jumpstart.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) jumpstart.connect(dest_ip, username=dest_user, password=dest_password, sock=client_channel) split_command = shlex.split(command) _stdin, _stdout, _stderr = jumpstart.exec_command(' '.join( shlex.quote(part) for part in split_command)) return _stdout, _stderr
Class variables
var pytestmark
def ssh_client(self,
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def ssh_client(self, client, dest_ip, username, password, command, timeout, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False): client.connect(dest_ip, username=username, password=password, allow_agent=allow_agent, look_for_keys=look_for_keys, timeout=timeout) split_command = shlex.split(command) _stdin, _stdout, _stderr = client.exec_command(' '.join( shlex.quote(part) for part in split_command), get_pty=True) return _stdout, _stderr
def ssh_jumpstart(self,
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def ssh_jumpstart(self, client, dest_ip, client_ip, client_user, client_password, dest_user, dest_password, command, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False): client.connect(client_ip, username=client_user, password=client_password, allow_agent=allow_agent, look_for_keys=look_for_keys) client_transport = client.get_transport() dest_addr = (dest_ip, 22) client_addr = (client_ip, 22) client_channel = client_transport.open_channel("direct-tcpip", dest_addr, client_addr) jumpstart = paramiko.SSHClient() jumpstart.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) jumpstart.connect(dest_ip, username=dest_user, password=dest_password, sock=client_channel) split_command = shlex.split(command) _stdin, _stdout, _stderr = jumpstart.exec_command(' '.join( shlex.quote(part) for part in split_command)) return _stdout, _stderr
def test_delete_vlan_from_multiple(self,
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks def test_delete_vlan_from_multiple( self, api_client, request, client, unique_name, image_opensuse, vm_network, wait_timeout, host_shell, vm_checker ): """ Manual test plan reference: Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Make sure that the network is set to the management network with masquerade as the type 3. Add another external VLAN management 4. Create VM 5. Wait until the VM boot in running state 6. Delete the external VLAN from VM 7. Check can ping the VM on the management network 8. Check can't SSH to VM with management network from external host """ vip = request.config.getoption('--endpoint').strip('https://') # Check image exists code, data = api_client.images.get( if code == 404: create_image_url(api_client,, image_opensuse.url, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 2) spec.user_data += cloud_user_data.format(password=vm_credential["password"]) # Add network data to trigger DHCP on multiple NICs spec.network_data += cloud_network_data vm_name = unique_name + "-delete-vlan" # Add image spec.add_image(, "default/" + # Add external vlan network spec.add_network("nic-1", f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}") # Create VM code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (f"Failed to create vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check have 2 NICs and wait until all ip address exists endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") if len(data['status']['interfaces']) == 2: if 'ipAddress' in data['status']['interfaces'][0]: if 'ipAddress' in data['status']['interfaces'][1]: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to get multiple IPs on VM: {vm_name}, exceed the given timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) # get data from running VM and transfer to spec code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") spec = spec.from_dict(data) spec.networks = [] spec.mgmt_network = True code, data = api_client.vms.update(vm_name, spec) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to update specific vm with spec: {code}, {data}") code, data = api_client.vms.restart(vm_name) assert 204 == code, (f"Failed to restart specific vm: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) ip_addresses = [] while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm status: {code}, {data}") if 'interfaces' in data['status']: interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] ip_addresses = [] interfaces = data['status']['interfaces'] if len(interfaces) == 1 and 'ipAddress' in interfaces[0]: ip_addresses.append(interfaces_data[0]['ipAddress']) if 'default' in interfaces_data[0]['name']: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to get VM {vm_name} IP address, exceed the given timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) # Ping management ip address mgmt_ip = ip_addresses[0] ping_command = "ping -c 50 {0}".format(mgmt_ip) with host_shell.login(vip) as sh: stdout, stderr = sh.exec_command(ping_command) assert stdout.find(f"64 bytes from {mgmt_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM management IP {mgmt_ip} " f"on management interface from Harvester node: {code}, {data}") # #Check should not SSH to management ip address from external host command = ['/usr/bin/ssh', '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=5', mgmt_ip] with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as ex: subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") # OpenSSH returns the return code of the program that was executed on # the remote, unless there was an error for SSH itself, in which case # it returns 255 assert ex.value.returncode == 255, ("Failed: should not be able to SSH" " to VM on management interface" f" {mgmt_ip} from external host") # teardown code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_checker.wait_deleted(vm_name) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name)
Manual test plan reference:
Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Make sure that the network is set to the management network with masquerade as the type 3. Add another external VLAN management 4. Create VM 5. Wait until the VM boot in running state 6. Delete the external VLAN from VM 7. Check can ping the VM on the management network 8. Check can't SSH to VM with management network from external host
def test_mgmt_network_connection(self,
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks def test_mgmt_network_connection( self, api_client, request, client, image_opensuse, unique_name, wait_timeout, host_shell, vm_shell_from_host, vm_checker ): """ Manual test plan reference: Steps: 1. Create a new VM 2. Make sure that the network is set to the management network with masquerade as the type 3. Wait until the VM boot in running state 4. Check can ping VM with management network from Harvester node 5. Check can SSH to VM with management network from Harvester node 6. Check can't SSH to VM with management network from external host """ vip = request.config.getoption('--endpoint').strip('https://') vm_user, vm_passwd = vm_credential['user'], vm_credential['password'] # Check image exists code, data = api_client.images.get( if code == 404: create_image_url(api_client,, image_opensuse.url, wait_timeout) # Update AllowTcpForwarding for ssh jumpstart spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 2) spec.user_data += cloud_user_data.format(password=vm_passwd) vm_name = unique_name + "-mgmt" # Create VM spec.add_image(, "default/" + code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (f"Failed to create vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Get VM interface ipAddresses code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] assert 1 == len(interfaces_data), ( f"Failed: get more than one interface: {interfaces_data}" ) mgmt_ip = interfaces_data[0]['ipAddress'] # Ping management ip address from Harvester node with host_shell.login(vip) as sh: stdout, stderr = sh.exec_command(f"ping -c 50 {mgmt_ip}") assert stdout.find(f"64 bytes from {mgmt_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM management IP {mgmt_ip} " f"on management interface from Harvester node") # SSH to management ip address and execute command from Harvester node with vm_shell_from_host(vip, mgmt_ip, vm_user, vm_passwd) as sh: stdout, stderr = sh.exec_command("ls") assert stdout.find("bin") == 0, ( f"Failed to ssh to VM management IP {mgmt_ip} " f"on management interface from Harvester node") # Check should not SSH to management ip address from external host command = ['/usr/bin/ssh', '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=5', mgmt_ip] with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as ex: subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") # OpenSSH returns the return code of the program that was executed on # the remote, unless there was an error for SSH itself, in which case # it returns 255 assert ex.value.returncode == 255, ("Failed: should not be able to SSH" " to VM on management interface" f" {mgmt_ip} from external host") # teardown code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_checker.wait_deleted(vm_name) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name)
Manual test plan reference:
Steps: 1. Create a new VM 2. Make sure that the network is set to the management network with masquerade as the type 3. Wait until the VM boot in running state 4. Check can ping VM with management network from Harvester node 5. Check can SSH to VM with management network from Harvester node 6. Check can't SSH to VM with management network from external host
def test_mgmt_to_vlan_connection(self,
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks def test_mgmt_to_vlan_connection(self, api_client, request, client, unique_name, image_opensuse, vm_network, wait_timeout, vm_checker): """ Manual test plan reference: Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Create a new VM 3. Make sure that the network is set to the management network with masquerade as the type 4. Wait until the VM boot in running state 5. Edit VM and change management network to external VLAN with bridge type 6. Check VM should save and reboot 7. Check can ping the VM from an external network host 8. Check can ssh to the VM from an external network host """ # Check image exists code, data = api_client.images.get( if code == 404: create_image_url(api_client,, image_opensuse.url, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 2) spec.user_data += cloud_user_data.format(password=vm_credential["password"]) vm_name = unique_name + "-mgmt-vlan" # Create VM spec.add_image(, "default/" + code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (f"Failed to create vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # get data from running VM and transfer to spec code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") spec = spec.from_dict(data) # Switch to vlan network spec.mgmt_network = False spec.add_network("nic-1", f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}") # Update VM spec code, data = api_client.vms.update(vm_name, spec) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to update specific vm with spec: {code}, {data}") code, data = api_client.vms.restart(vm_name) assert 204 == code, (f"Failed to restart specific vm: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Get VM interface ipAddresses code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] assert 1 == len(interfaces_data), ( f"Failed: get more than one interface: {interfaces_data}" ) # Determine by vlan network Name endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) ip_addresses = [] while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") if 'interfaces' in data['status']: interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] ip_addresses = [] for interface in interfaces_data: # Check the ipAddress in digital format if ( 'ipAddress' in interface and interface['ipAddress'].replace('.', '').isdigit() ): ip_addresses.append(interface['ipAddress']) if len(ip_addresses) > 0: if 'nic-1' in interface['name']: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to get VM {vm_name} IP address, exceed given timeout\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) # Ping vlan ip address vlan_ip = ip_addresses[0] command = ['/usr/bin/ping', '-c', '50', vlan_ip] result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") assert result.find(f"64 bytes from {vlan_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip} " f"on vlan interface from external host") # SSH to vlan ip address and execute command _stdout, _stderr = self.ssh_client( client, vlan_ip, vm_credential["user"], vm_credential["password"], 'ls', wait_timeout) stdout ='ascii').strip("\n") assert stdout.find("bin") == 0, ( f"Failed to ssh to VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip}" f"on vlan interface from external host") # teardown code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_checker.wait_deleted(vm_name) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name)
Manual test plan reference:
Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Create a new VM 3. Make sure that the network is set to the management network with masquerade as the type 4. Wait until the VM boot in running state 5. Edit VM and change management network to external VLAN with bridge type 6. Check VM should save and reboot 7. Check can ping the VM from an external network host 8. Check can ssh to the VM from an external network host
def test_reboot_vlan_connection(self,
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks @pytest.mark.dependency(name="reboot_vlan_connection", depends=["vlan_network_connection"]) def test_reboot_vlan_connection(self, api_client, request, unique_name, image_opensuse, vm_network, wait_timeout, vm_checker): """ Manual test plan reference: Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Create a new VM and add the external vlan network 3. Check can ping external VLAN IP 4. Reboot VM 5. Ping VM during reboot 6. Check can't ping VM during reboot 7. Check the VM should reboot 8. Ping VM after reboot 9. Check can ping VM """ vm_name = unique_name + "-reboot-vlan" # Check image exists code, data = api_client.images.get( if code == 404: create_image_url(api_client,, image_opensuse.url, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 2, mgmt_network=False) spec.user_data += cloud_user_data.format(password=vm_credential["password"]) # Create VM spec.add_image(, "default/" + spec.add_network("nic-1", f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}") code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (f"Failed to create vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Get VM interface ipAddresses code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] assert 1 == len(interfaces_data), ( f"Failed: get more than one interface: {interfaces_data}" ) assert "nic-1" == interfaces_data[0]['name'], ( f"Failed: Network name did not match to added vlan: {interfaces_data}" ) vlan_ip = interfaces_data[0]['ipAddress'] # Check can ping vlan ip command = ['/usr/bin/ping', '-c', '10', vlan_ip] result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") assert result.find(f"64 bytes from {vlan_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip} " f"on vlan interface from external host") # Restart VM code, data = api_client.vms.restart(vm_name) assert 204 == code, (f"Failed to reboot vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in Starting state endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") vm_fields = data['metadata']['fields'] if vm_fields[2] == 'Starting': break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to restart VM {vm_name} in Starting status, exceed given timeout\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) # Check can't ping vlan ip during reboot command = ['/usr/bin/ping', '-c', '10', vlan_ip] process =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) result = process.stdout assert result.find(f"64 bytes from {vlan_ip}") < 0, ( f"Failed: since can ping VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip} " f"on vlan interface from external host during reboot") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Get VM interface ipAddresses code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] assert 1 == len(interfaces_data), ( f"Failed: get more than one interface: {interfaces_data}" ) assert "nic-1" == interfaces_data[0]['name'], ( f"Failed: Network name did not match to added vlan: {interfaces_data}" ) vlan_ip = interfaces_data[0]['ipAddress'] # Ping vlan ip address command = ['/usr/bin/ping', '-c', '10', vlan_ip] result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") assert result.find(f"64 bytes from {vlan_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip} " f"on vlan interface from external host") # teardown code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_checker.wait_deleted(vm_name) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name)
Manual test plan reference:
Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Create a new VM and add the external vlan network 3. Check can ping external VLAN IP 4. Reboot VM 5. Ping VM during reboot 6. Check can't ping VM during reboot 7. Check the VM should reboot 8. Ping VM after reboot 9. Check can ping VM
def test_vlan_network_connection(self,
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks @pytest.mark.dependency(name="vlan_network_connection") def test_vlan_network_connection(self, api_client, request, client, unique_name, image_opensuse, vm_network, wait_timeout, vm_checker): """ Manual test plan reference: Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Create a new VM and set the external vlan network to it 3. Check can ping external VLAN IP from external host 4. Check can SSH to VM from external IP from external host """ vm_name = unique_name + "-vlan" # Check image exists code, data = api_client.images.get( if code == 404: create_image_url(api_client,, image_opensuse.url, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 2, mgmt_network=False) spec.user_data += cloud_user_data.format(password=vm_credential["password"]) # Create VM spec.add_image(, "default/" + spec.add_network("nic-1", f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}") code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (f"Failed to create vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Get VM interface ipAddresses code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] assert 1 == len(interfaces_data), ( f"Failed: get more than one interface: {interfaces_data}" ) assert "nic-1" == interfaces_data[0]['name'], ( f"Failed: Network name did not match to added vlan: {interfaces_data}" ) vlan_ip = interfaces_data[0]['ipAddress'] # Ping vlan ip address from external host command = ['/usr/bin/ping', '-c', '50', vlan_ip] result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") assert result.find(f"64 bytes from {vlan_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip} " f"on vlan interface from external host") # SSH to vlan ip address and execute command from external host _stdout, _stderr = self.ssh_client( client, vlan_ip, vm_credential["user"], vm_credential["password"], 'ls', wait_timeout) stdout ='ascii').strip("\n") assert stdout.find("bin") == 0, ( f"Failed to ssh to VM external vlan IP {vlan_ip}" f"on vlan interface from external host") # teardown code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_checker.wait_deleted(vm_name) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name)
Manual test plan reference:
Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Create a new VM and set the external vlan network to it 3. Check can ping external VLAN IP from external host 4. Check can SSH to VM from external IP from external host
def test_vlan_to_mgmt_connection(self,
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks def test_vlan_to_mgmt_connection( self, api_client, request, client, unique_name, image_opensuse, vm_network, wait_timeout, host_shell, vm_shell_from_host, vm_checker ): """ Manual test plan reference: Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Create a new VM 3. Make sure that the network is set to the vlan network with bridge as the type 4. Wait until the VM boot in running state 5. Edit VM and change from external VLAN to management network 6. Check VM should save and reboot 7. Check can ping VM with management network from Harvester node 8. Check can SSH to VM with management network from Harvester node 9. Check can't SSH to VM with management network from external host """ vip = request.config.getoption('--endpoint').strip('https://') vm_user, vm_passwd = vm_credential['user'], vm_credential['password'] # Check image exists code, data = api_client.images.get( if code == 404: create_image_url(api_client,, image_opensuse.url, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 2, mgmt_network=False) spec.user_data += cloud_user_data.format(password=vm_passwd) vm_name = unique_name + "-vlan-mgmt" # Create VM spec.add_image(, "default/" + spec.add_network("default", f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}") code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (f"Failed to create vm with error: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # get data from running VM and transfer to spec code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm content: {code}, {data}") spec = spec.from_dict(data) spec.networks = [] spec.mgmt_network = True code, data = api_client.vms.update(vm_name, spec) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to update specific vm with spec: {code}, {data}") code, data = api_client.vms.restart(vm_name) assert 204 == code, (f"Failed to restart specific vm: {code}, {data}") # Check VM start in running state check_vm_running(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) # Check until VM ip address exists check_vm_ip_exists(api_client, vm_name, wait_timeout) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to get specific vm status: {code}, {data}") if 'interfaces' in data['status']: interfaces_data = data['status']['interfaces'] ip_addresses = [] if 'ipAddress' in data['status']['interfaces'][0]: if 'default' in interfaces_data[0]['name']: if 'domain, guest-agent' not in interfaces_data[0]['infoSource']: ip_addresses.append(interfaces_data[0]['ipAddress']) break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to get VM {vm_name} IP address, exceed the given timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) # Check can ping management ip address from Harvester node mgmt_ip = ip_addresses[0] with host_shell.login(vip) as sh: stdout, stderr = sh.exec_command(f"ping -c 50 {mgmt_ip}") assert stdout.find(f"64 bytes from {mgmt_ip}") > 0, ( f"Failed to ping VM management IP {mgmt_ip} " f"on management interface from Harvester node") # Check can ssh to host and execute command from Harvester node with vm_shell_from_host(vip, mgmt_ip, vm_user, vm_passwd) as sh: stdout, stderr = sh.exec_command("ls") assert stdout.find("bin") == 0, ( f"Failed to ssh to VM management IP {mgmt_ip} " f"on management interface from Harvester node") # Check should not SSH to management ip address from external host command = ['/usr/bin/ssh', '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=5', mgmt_ip] with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as ex: subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False, encoding="utf-8") # OpenSSH returns the return code of the program that was executed on # the remote, unless there was an error for SSH itself, in which case # it returns 255 assert ex.value.returncode == 255, ("Failed: should not be able to SSH" " to VM on management interface" f" {mgmt_ip} from external host") # teardown code, data = api_client.vms.get(vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_checker.wait_deleted(vm_name) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name)
Manual test plan reference:
Steps: 1. Create an external VLAN network 2. Create a new VM 3. Make sure that the network is set to the vlan network with bridge as the type 4. Wait until the VM boot in running state 5. Edit VM and change from external VLAN to management network 6. Check VM should save and reboot 7. Check can ping VM with management network from Harvester node 8. Check can SSH to VM with management network from Harvester node 9. Check can't SSH to VM with management network from external host