Module harvester_e2e_tests.integrations.test_5_vm_networks


def cluster_network(vlan_nic, api_client, unique_name)
def gen_ifconfig()
def image(api_client, image_opensuse, unique_name, wait_timeout)
def minimal_vm(api_client, ssh_keypair, wait_timeout, unique_name, vm_checker, image)
def two_mirror_vms(api_client, ssh_keypair, unique_name, vm_checker, image, vm_network)
def vm_network(api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout, cluster_network, vlan_id)


class TestVMNetwork
Expand source code
class TestVMNetwork:
    def test_add_vlan(
        self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_mgmt_static, vm_checker, vm_shell_from_host, vm_network,
        minimal_vm, gen_ifconfig
        # clean cloud-init for rerun, and get the correct ifname
        (unique_vm_name, ssh_user), (_, pri_key) = minimal_vm, ssh_keypair
        vm_got_ips, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_ip_addresses(unique_vm_name, ['default'])
        assert vm_got_ips, (
            f"Failed to Start VM({unique_vm_name}) with errors:\n"
            f"Status: {data.get('status')}\n"
            f"API Status({code}): {data}"
        vm_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces']
                     if iface['name'] == 'default')
        code, data = api_client.hosts.get(data['status']['nodeName'])
        host_ip = next(addr['address'] for addr in data['status']['addresses']
                       if addr['type'] == 'InternalIP')
        with vm_shell_from_host(host_ip, vm_ip, ssh_user, pkey=pri_key) as sh:
            cloud_inited, (out, err) = vm_checker.wait_cloudinit_done(sh)
            assert cloud_inited, (out, err)
            out, err = sh.exec_command("sudo cloud-init clean")
            out, err = sh.exec_command("sudo cloud-init status")
            assert "not run" in out, (out, err)
            out, err = sh.exec_command("ip --json a s")
            assert not err
        ifname = next(i['ifname'] for i in json.loads(out) if i['link_type'] != 'loopback')
        # and
        nic_config = [gen_ifconfig(ifname, idx=i) for i in range(2)]
        nic_config[0]['subnets'] = [vm_mgmt_static]

        # add vlan NIC and network data then restart VM
        code, data = api_client.vms.get(unique_vm_name)
        vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data)
        vm_spec.add_network('nic-1', f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}")
        vm_spec.network_data = "#cloud-config\n" + yaml.dump({
            "version": 1,
            "config": nic_config
        code, data = api_client.vms.update(unique_vm_name, vm_spec)
        assert 200 == code, (code, data)
        vm_restarted, ctx = vm_checker.wait_restarted(unique_vm_name)
        assert vm_restarted, (
            f"Failed to Restart VM({unique_vm_name}),"
            f" timed out while executing {ctx.callee!r}"
        vm_got_ips, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_ip_addresses(unique_vm_name, ['default'])
        assert vm_got_ips, (
            f"Failed to Start VM({unique_vm_name}) with errors:\n"
            f"Status: {data.get('status')}\n"
            f"API Status({code}): {data}"
        vm_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces']
                     if iface['name'] == 'default')
        code, data = api_client.hosts.get(data['status']['nodeName'])
        host_ip = next(addr['address'] for addr in data['status']['addresses']
                       if addr['type'] == 'InternalIP')
        with vm_shell_from_host(host_ip, vm_ip, ssh_user, pkey=pri_key) as sh:
            cloud_inited, (out, err) = vm_checker.wait_cloudinit_done(sh)
            assert cloud_inited and not err, (out, err)
            out, err = sh.exec_command("ip --json -4 a s")
        ips = [j['local'] for i in json.loads(out) for j in i['addr_info']]
        vlan_ip_range = ip_network(vm_network['cidr'])

        def get_vlan_ip(ctx):
            if ctx.callee == 'vm.get_status':
                return all(iface.get('ipAddress') for iface in['status']['interfaces']
                           if iface['name'] != 'default')
            return True
        # ???: status data from API will have delay a bit
        vm_got_ips, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_interfaces(unique_vm_name, callback=get_vlan_ip)
        assert vm_got_ips, (code, data)
        vm_vlan_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces']
                          if iface['name'] != 'default')
        assert ip_address(vm_vlan_ip) in vlan_ip_range and vm_vlan_ip in ips

    def test_ssh_connection(
        self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_checker, vm_network, minimal_vm
        (unique_vm_name, ssh_user), (_, pri_key) = minimal_vm, ssh_keypair
        vm_started, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_interfaces(unique_vm_name)
        assert vm_started, (
            f"Failed to Start VM({unique_vm_name}) with errors:\n"
            f"Status: {data.get('status')}\n"
            f"API Status({code}): {data}"
        vm_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces']
                     if iface['name'] != 'default')
            with vm_checker.wait_ssh_connected(vm_ip, ssh_user, pkey=pri_key) as sh:
                out, err = sh.exec_command("ip -brief a s")
                assert vm_ip in out and not err
        except AssertionError as ex:
            raise ex
        except Exception as ex:
            raise AssertionError(
                f"Unable to login to VM via VLAN IP {vm_ip}"
            ) from ex

    def test_vms_on_same_vlan(
        self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_checker, vm_network, two_mirror_vms
        _, pri_key = ssh_keypair
        vm_names, ssh_user = two_mirror_vms

        def get_vlan_ip(ctx):
            if ctx.callee == 'vm.get_status':
                return all(iface.get('ipAddress') for iface in['status']['interfaces']
                           if iface['name'] != 'default')
            return True
        # Verify VM having IP which belongs to VLAN
        vm_info, vlan_ip_range = [], ip_network(vm_network['cidr'])
        for vm_name in vm_names:
            vm_got_ips, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_interfaces(vm_name, callback=get_vlan_ip)
            assert vm_got_ips, (
                f"Failed to Start VM({vm_name}) with errors:\n"
                f"Status: {data.get('status')}\n"
                f"API Status({code}): {data}"
            vm_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces']
                         if iface['name'] != 'default')
            assert ip_address(vm_ip) in vlan_ip_range
            vm_info.append((vm_name, vm_ip))

        # verify Ping from each
        for (src_name, src_ip), (dst_name, dst_ip) in zip(vm_info, vm_info[::-1]):
                with vm_checker.wait_ssh_connected(src_ip, ssh_user, pkey=pri_key) as sh:
                    out, err = sh.exec_command(f"ping -c5 {dst_ip}")
                    assert '100% packet loss' not in out, (
                        f"Failed to ping VM({dst_name!r}, {dst_ip}) <- VM({src_name!r}, {src_ip})"
            except AssertionError as ex:
                raise ex
            except Exception as ex:
                raise AssertionError(
                    f"Unable to login to VM via VLAN IP {src_ip}"
                ) from ex

Class variables

var pytestmark


def test_add_vlan(self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_mgmt_static, vm_checker, vm_shell_from_host, vm_network, minimal_vm, gen_ifconfig)
def test_ssh_connection(self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_checker, vm_network, minimal_vm)
def test_vms_on_same_vlan(self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_checker, vm_network, two_mirror_vms)