Module harvester_e2e_tests.integrations.test_5_vm_networks
def cluster_network(vlan_nic, api_client, unique_name)
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@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def cluster_network(vlan_nic, api_client, unique_name): code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.get_config() assert 200 == code, (code, data) node_key = '' cnet_nodes = dict() # cluster_network: items for cfg in data['items']: if vlan_nic in cfg['spec']['uplink']['nics']: nodes = json.loads(cfg['metadata']['annotations'][node_key]) cnet_nodes.setdefault(cfg['spec']['clusterNetwork'], []).extend(nodes) code, data = api_client.hosts.get() assert 200 == code, (code, data) all_nodes = set(n['id'] for n in data['data']) try: # vlad_nic configured on specific cluster network, reuse it yield next(cnet for cnet, nodes in cnet_nodes.items() if all_nodes == set(nodes)) return None except StopIteration: configured_nodes = reduce(add, cnet_nodes.values(), []) if any(n in configured_nodes for n in all_nodes): raise AssertionError( "Not all nodes' VLAN NIC {vlan_nic} are available.\n" f"VLAN NIC configured nodes: {configured_nodes}\n" f"All nodes: {all_nodes}\n" ) # Create cluster network cnet = f"cnet-{datetime.strptime(unique_name, '%Hh%Mm%Ss%f-%m-%d').strftime('%H%M%S')}" created = [] code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.create(cnet) assert 201 == code, (code, data) while all_nodes: node = all_nodes.pop() code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.create_config(node, cnet, vlan_nic, hostname=node) assert 201 == code, ( f"Failed to create cluster config for {node}\n" f"Created: {created}\t Remaining: {all_nodes}\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) created.append(node) yield cnet # Teardown deleted = {name: api_client.clusternetworks.delete_config(name) for name in created} failed = [(name, code, data) for name, (code, data) in deleted.items() if 200 != code] if failed: fmt = "Unable to delete VLAN Config {} with error ({}): {}" raise AssertionError( "\n".join(fmt.format(name, code, data) for (name, code, data) in failed) ) code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.delete(cnet) assert 200 == code, (code, data)
def gen_ifconfig()
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@pytest.fixture(scope="session") def gen_ifconfig(): # eth/eno/ens(idx) | enp(idx)s[0-9] pattern = r"(?:(e(?:th|no|ns))(\d+)|(enp)(\d+)(s\d+))" def replace_to(idx): def _repl(match): p1, idx1, p2, idx2, tail = match.groups() return f"{p1}{int(idx1)+idx}" if not tail else f"{p2}{int(idx2)+idx}{tail}" return _repl def generate_ifconfig(ifname, idx=0): return { "type": "physical", "name": re.sub(pattern, replace_to(idx), ifname), "subnets": [dict(type="dhcp")] } return generate_ifconfig
def image(api_client, image_opensuse, unique_name, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="module") def image(api_client, image_opensuse, unique_name, wait_timeout): unique_image_id = f'image-{unique_name}' code, data = api_client.images.create_by_url( unique_image_id, image_opensuse.url, display_name=f"{unique_name}-{}" ) assert 201 == code, (code, data) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.images.get(unique_image_id) if 100 == data.get('status', {}).get('progress', 0): break sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError( "Failed to create Image with error:\n" f"Status({code}): {data}" ) yield dict(id=f"{data['metadata']['namespace']}/{unique_image_id}", user=image_opensuse.ssh_user) code, data = api_client.images.delete(unique_image_id)
def minimal_vm(api_client, ssh_keypair, wait_timeout, unique_name, vm_checker, image)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def minimal_vm(api_client, ssh_keypair, wait_timeout, unique_name, vm_checker, image): unique_vm_name = f"{'%m%S%f')}-{unique_name}" cpu, mem = 1, 2 pub_key, _ = ssh_keypair vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec(cpu, mem) vm_spec.add_image("disk-0", image['id']) userdata = yaml.safe_load(vm_spec.user_data) userdata['ssh_authorized_keys'] = [pub_key] vm_spec.user_data = yaml.dump(userdata) code, data = api_client.vms.create(unique_vm_name, vm_spec) assert 201 == code, (code, data) vm_started, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_interfaces(unique_vm_name) yield unique_vm_name, image['user'] code, data = api_client.vms.get(unique_vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_deleted, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_deleted(unique_vm_name) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name)
def two_mirror_vms(api_client, ssh_keypair, unique_name, vm_checker, image, vm_network)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def two_mirror_vms(api_client, ssh_keypair, unique_name, vm_checker, image, vm_network): cpu, mem = 1, 2 pub_key, pri_key = ssh_keypair vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec(cpu, mem) vm_spec.add_image("disk-0", image['id']) vm_spec.mgmt_network = False vm_spec.add_network('nic-1', f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}") userdata = yaml.safe_load(vm_spec.user_data) userdata['ssh_authorized_keys'] = [pub_key] vm_spec.user_data = yaml.dump(userdata) vm_names = [f"vm{idx}-{unique_name}" for idx in range(1, 3)] for vm_name in vm_names: code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, vm_spec) assert 201 == code, (code, data) yield vm_names, image['user'] params = dict(removedDisks="disk-0", propagationPolicy="Foreground") for vm_name in vm_names: vm_checker.wait_deleted(vm_name, params=params)
def vm_network(api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout, cluster_network, vlan_id)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="module") def vm_network(api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout, cluster_network, vlan_id): code, data = api_client.networks.create( unique_name, vlan_id, cluster_network=cluster_network ) assert 201 == code, (code, data) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.networks.get(unique_name) annotations = data['metadata'].get('annotations', {}) if 200 == code and annotations.get(''): route = json.loads(annotations['']) if route['cidr']: break sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError( "VM network created but route info not available\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) yield dict(name=unique_name, cidr=route['cidr'], namespace=data['metadata']['namespace']) code, data = api_client.networks.delete(unique_name) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.networks.get(unique_name) if 404 == code: break sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to remote VM network {unique_name} after {wait_timeout}s\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" )
class TestVMNetwork
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks @pytest.mark.virtualmachines class TestVMNetwork: @pytest.mark.dependency(name="add_vlan") def test_add_vlan( self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_mgmt_static, vm_checker, vm_shell_from_host, vm_network, minimal_vm, gen_ifconfig ): # clean cloud-init for rerun, and get the correct ifname (unique_vm_name, ssh_user), (_, pri_key) = minimal_vm, ssh_keypair vm_got_ips, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_ip_addresses(unique_vm_name, ['default']) assert vm_got_ips, ( f"Failed to Start VM({unique_vm_name}) with errors:\n" f"Status: {data.get('status')}\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) vm_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] == 'default') code, data = api_client.hosts.get(data['status']['nodeName']) host_ip = next(addr['address'] for addr in data['status']['addresses'] if addr['type'] == 'InternalIP') with vm_shell_from_host(host_ip, vm_ip, ssh_user, pkey=pri_key) as sh: cloud_inited, (out, err) = vm_checker.wait_cloudinit_done(sh) assert cloud_inited, (out, err) out, err = sh.exec_command("sudo cloud-init clean") out, err = sh.exec_command("sudo cloud-init status") assert "not run" in out, (out, err) out, err = sh.exec_command("ip --json a s") assert not err ifname = next(i['ifname'] for i in json.loads(out) if i['link_type'] != 'loopback') # # and nic_config = [gen_ifconfig(ifname, idx=i) for i in range(2)] nic_config[0]['subnets'] = [vm_mgmt_static] # add vlan NIC and network data then restart VM code, data = api_client.vms.get(unique_vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_spec.add_network('nic-1', f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}") vm_spec.network_data = "#cloud-config\n" + yaml.dump({ "version": 1, "config": nic_config }) code, data = api_client.vms.update(unique_vm_name, vm_spec) assert 200 == code, (code, data) vm_restarted, ctx = vm_checker.wait_restarted(unique_vm_name) assert vm_restarted, ( f"Failed to Restart VM({unique_vm_name})," f" timed out while executing {ctx.callee!r}" ) vm_got_ips, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_ip_addresses(unique_vm_name, ['default']) assert vm_got_ips, ( f"Failed to Start VM({unique_vm_name}) with errors:\n" f"Status: {data.get('status')}\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) vm_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] == 'default') code, data = api_client.hosts.get(data['status']['nodeName']) host_ip = next(addr['address'] for addr in data['status']['addresses'] if addr['type'] == 'InternalIP') with vm_shell_from_host(host_ip, vm_ip, ssh_user, pkey=pri_key) as sh: cloud_inited, (out, err) = vm_checker.wait_cloudinit_done(sh) assert cloud_inited and not err, (out, err) out, err = sh.exec_command("ip --json -4 a s") ips = [j['local'] for i in json.loads(out) for j in i['addr_info']] vlan_ip_range = ip_network(vm_network['cidr']) def get_vlan_ip(ctx): if ctx.callee == 'vm.get_status': return all(iface.get('ipAddress') for iface in['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] != 'default') return True # ???: status data from API will have delay a bit vm_got_ips, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_interfaces(unique_vm_name, callback=get_vlan_ip) assert vm_got_ips, (code, data) vm_vlan_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] != 'default') assert ip_address(vm_vlan_ip) in vlan_ip_range and vm_vlan_ip in ips @pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["add_vlan"]) def test_ssh_connection( self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_checker, vm_network, minimal_vm ): (unique_vm_name, ssh_user), (_, pri_key) = minimal_vm, ssh_keypair vm_started, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_interfaces(unique_vm_name) assert vm_started, ( f"Failed to Start VM({unique_vm_name}) with errors:\n" f"Status: {data.get('status')}\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) vm_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] != 'default') try: with vm_checker.wait_ssh_connected(vm_ip, ssh_user, pkey=pri_key) as sh: out, err = sh.exec_command("ip -brief a s") assert vm_ip in out and not err except AssertionError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise AssertionError( f"Unable to login to VM via VLAN IP {vm_ip}" ) from ex def test_vms_on_same_vlan( self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_checker, vm_network, two_mirror_vms ): _, pri_key = ssh_keypair vm_names, ssh_user = two_mirror_vms def get_vlan_ip(ctx): if ctx.callee == 'vm.get_status': return all(iface.get('ipAddress') for iface in['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] != 'default') return True # Verify VM having IP which belongs to VLAN vm_info, vlan_ip_range = [], ip_network(vm_network['cidr']) for vm_name in vm_names: vm_got_ips, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_interfaces(vm_name, callback=get_vlan_ip) assert vm_got_ips, ( f"Failed to Start VM({vm_name}) with errors:\n" f"Status: {data.get('status')}\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) vm_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] != 'default') assert ip_address(vm_ip) in vlan_ip_range vm_info.append((vm_name, vm_ip)) # verify Ping from each for (src_name, src_ip), (dst_name, dst_ip) in zip(vm_info, vm_info[::-1]): try: with vm_checker.wait_ssh_connected(src_ip, ssh_user, pkey=pri_key) as sh: out, err = sh.exec_command(f"ping -c5 {dst_ip}") assert '100% packet loss' not in out, ( f"Failed to ping VM({dst_name!r}, {dst_ip}) <- VM({src_name!r}, {src_ip})" ) except AssertionError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise AssertionError( f"Unable to login to VM via VLAN IP {src_ip}" ) from ex
Class variables
var pytestmark
def test_add_vlan(self,
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@pytest.mark.dependency(name="add_vlan") def test_add_vlan( self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_mgmt_static, vm_checker, vm_shell_from_host, vm_network, minimal_vm, gen_ifconfig ): # clean cloud-init for rerun, and get the correct ifname (unique_vm_name, ssh_user), (_, pri_key) = minimal_vm, ssh_keypair vm_got_ips, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_ip_addresses(unique_vm_name, ['default']) assert vm_got_ips, ( f"Failed to Start VM({unique_vm_name}) with errors:\n" f"Status: {data.get('status')}\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) vm_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] == 'default') code, data = api_client.hosts.get(data['status']['nodeName']) host_ip = next(addr['address'] for addr in data['status']['addresses'] if addr['type'] == 'InternalIP') with vm_shell_from_host(host_ip, vm_ip, ssh_user, pkey=pri_key) as sh: cloud_inited, (out, err) = vm_checker.wait_cloudinit_done(sh) assert cloud_inited, (out, err) out, err = sh.exec_command("sudo cloud-init clean") out, err = sh.exec_command("sudo cloud-init status") assert "not run" in out, (out, err) out, err = sh.exec_command("ip --json a s") assert not err ifname = next(i['ifname'] for i in json.loads(out) if i['link_type'] != 'loopback') # # and nic_config = [gen_ifconfig(ifname, idx=i) for i in range(2)] nic_config[0]['subnets'] = [vm_mgmt_static] # add vlan NIC and network data then restart VM code, data = api_client.vms.get(unique_vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_spec.add_network('nic-1', f"{vm_network['namespace']}/{vm_network['name']}") vm_spec.network_data = "#cloud-config\n" + yaml.dump({ "version": 1, "config": nic_config }) code, data = api_client.vms.update(unique_vm_name, vm_spec) assert 200 == code, (code, data) vm_restarted, ctx = vm_checker.wait_restarted(unique_vm_name) assert vm_restarted, ( f"Failed to Restart VM({unique_vm_name})," f" timed out while executing {ctx.callee!r}" ) vm_got_ips, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_ip_addresses(unique_vm_name, ['default']) assert vm_got_ips, ( f"Failed to Start VM({unique_vm_name}) with errors:\n" f"Status: {data.get('status')}\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) vm_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] == 'default') code, data = api_client.hosts.get(data['status']['nodeName']) host_ip = next(addr['address'] for addr in data['status']['addresses'] if addr['type'] == 'InternalIP') with vm_shell_from_host(host_ip, vm_ip, ssh_user, pkey=pri_key) as sh: cloud_inited, (out, err) = vm_checker.wait_cloudinit_done(sh) assert cloud_inited and not err, (out, err) out, err = sh.exec_command("ip --json -4 a s") ips = [j['local'] for i in json.loads(out) for j in i['addr_info']] vlan_ip_range = ip_network(vm_network['cidr']) def get_vlan_ip(ctx): if ctx.callee == 'vm.get_status': return all(iface.get('ipAddress') for iface in['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] != 'default') return True # ???: status data from API will have delay a bit vm_got_ips, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_interfaces(unique_vm_name, callback=get_vlan_ip) assert vm_got_ips, (code, data) vm_vlan_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] != 'default') assert ip_address(vm_vlan_ip) in vlan_ip_range and vm_vlan_ip in ips
def test_ssh_connection(self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_checker, vm_network, minimal_vm)
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@pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["add_vlan"]) def test_ssh_connection( self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_checker, vm_network, minimal_vm ): (unique_vm_name, ssh_user), (_, pri_key) = minimal_vm, ssh_keypair vm_started, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_interfaces(unique_vm_name) assert vm_started, ( f"Failed to Start VM({unique_vm_name}) with errors:\n" f"Status: {data.get('status')}\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) vm_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] != 'default') try: with vm_checker.wait_ssh_connected(vm_ip, ssh_user, pkey=pri_key) as sh: out, err = sh.exec_command("ip -brief a s") assert vm_ip in out and not err except AssertionError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise AssertionError( f"Unable to login to VM via VLAN IP {vm_ip}" ) from ex
def test_vms_on_same_vlan(self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_checker, vm_network, two_mirror_vms)
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def test_vms_on_same_vlan( self, api_client, ssh_keypair, vm_checker, vm_network, two_mirror_vms ): _, pri_key = ssh_keypair vm_names, ssh_user = two_mirror_vms def get_vlan_ip(ctx): if ctx.callee == 'vm.get_status': return all(iface.get('ipAddress') for iface in['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] != 'default') return True # Verify VM having IP which belongs to VLAN vm_info, vlan_ip_range = [], ip_network(vm_network['cidr']) for vm_name in vm_names: vm_got_ips, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_interfaces(vm_name, callback=get_vlan_ip) assert vm_got_ips, ( f"Failed to Start VM({vm_name}) with errors:\n" f"Status: {data.get('status')}\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) vm_ip = next(iface['ipAddress'] for iface in data['status']['interfaces'] if iface['name'] != 'default') assert ip_address(vm_ip) in vlan_ip_range vm_info.append((vm_name, vm_ip)) # verify Ping from each for (src_name, src_ip), (dst_name, dst_ip) in zip(vm_info, vm_info[::-1]): try: with vm_checker.wait_ssh_connected(src_ip, ssh_user, pkey=pri_key) as sh: out, err = sh.exec_command(f"ping -c5 {dst_ip}") assert '100% packet loss' not in out, ( f"Failed to ping VM({dst_name!r}, {dst_ip}) <- VM({src_name!r}, {src_ip})" ) except AssertionError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise AssertionError( f"Unable to login to VM via VLAN IP {src_ip}" ) from ex