Module harvester_e2e_tests.integrations.test_4_vm_snapshot
def create_vm(name, api_client, ssh_keypair, image, timeout_secs)
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def create_vm(name, api_client, ssh_keypair, image, timeout_secs): cpu = 1 mem = 2 pubkey, _ = ssh_keypair vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec(cpu, mem) vm_spec.add_image("disk-0", image["id"]) userdata = yaml.safe_load(vm_spec.user_data) userdata["ssh_authorized_keys"] = [pubkey] vm_spec.user_data = yaml.dump(userdata) _, data = api_client.vms.create(name, vm_spec) deadline = + timedelta(seconds=timeout_secs) while deadline > _, data = api_client.vms.get(name) if "Running" == data.get("status", {}).get("printableStatus"): break sleep(1) else: raise AssertionError(f"timed out waiting for {name} to transition to Running") return name, image["user"]
def delete_vm(name, api_client, timeout_secs)
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def delete_vm(name, api_client, timeout_secs): code, data = api_client.vms.get(name) if code == 404: return vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) api_client.vms.delete(name) deadline = + timedelta(seconds=timeout_secs) while deadline > code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(name) if 404 == code: break sleep(3) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol["volume"]["persistentVolumeClaim"]["claimName"] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name)
def image(api_client, image_opensuse, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="module") def image(api_client, image_opensuse, wait_timeout): unique_image_id = unique_name("image") display_name = f"{unique_image_id}-{}" code, data = api_client.images.create_by_url(unique_image_id, image_opensuse.url, display_name=display_name) assert 201 == code, (code, data) deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, data = api_client.images.get(unique_image_id) if 100 == data.get('status', {}).get('progress', 0): break sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError( "Failed to create Image with error:\n" f"Status({code}): {data}" ) yield dict(id=f"{data['metadata']['namespace']}/{unique_image_id}", user=image_opensuse.ssh_user) code, data = api_client.images.delete(unique_image_id)
def restored_from_snapshot_name()
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def restored_from_snapshot_name(): return unique_name("vm-from-snapshot")
def restored_from_snapshot_name_2()
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def restored_from_snapshot_name_2(): return unique_name("vm-from-snapshot-2")
def restored_from_snapshot_vm(api_client,
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def restored_from_snapshot_vm(api_client, restored_from_snapshot_name, vm_snapshot_name, source_vm, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_keypair, wait_timeout): name, ssh_user = source_vm start_vm(name, api_client, wait_timeout) def modify(sh): _, _ = sh.exec_command("echo 5678 > test.txt && sync") vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_user, ssh_keypair, modify, wait_timeout) # Just to wait for `sync` sleep(2) stop_vm(name, api_client, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.vm_snapshots.RestoreSpec.for_new(restored_from_snapshot_name) code, data = api_client.vm_snapshots.restore(vm_snapshot_name, spec) assert 201 == code deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, data = api_client.vms.get(restored_from_snapshot_name) if 200 == code and "Running" == data.get("status", {}).get("printableStatus"): break print("waiting for restored vm to be running") sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError(f"timed out waiting to restore into new VM" f"{restored_from_snapshot_name}") yield restored_from_snapshot_name, ssh_user delete_vm(restored_from_snapshot_name, api_client, wait_timeout)
def restored_vm_2(api_client,
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def restored_vm_2(api_client, restored_from_snapshot_name_2, vm_snapshot_name, source_vm, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_keypair, wait_timeout): name, ssh_user = source_vm start_vm(name, api_client, wait_timeout) def modify(sh): _, _ = sh.exec_command("echo 99999999 > test.txt && sync") vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_user, ssh_keypair, modify, wait_timeout) # Just to wait for `sync` sleep(2) stop_vm(name, api_client, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.vm_snapshots.RestoreSpec.for_new(restored_from_snapshot_name_2) code, data = api_client.vm_snapshots.restore(vm_snapshot_name, spec) assert 201 == code deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, data = api_client.vms.get(restored_from_snapshot_name_2) if 200 == code and "Running" == data.get("status", {}).get("printableStatus"): break print("waiting for restored vm to be running") sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError(f"timed out waiting to restore into new VM" f"{restored_from_snapshot_name_2}") yield restored_from_snapshot_name_2, ssh_user delete_vm(restored_from_snapshot_name_2, api_client, wait_timeout)
def source_vm(sourcevm_name, api_client, ssh_keypair, image, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def source_vm(sourcevm_name, api_client, ssh_keypair, image, wait_timeout): yield create_vm(sourcevm_name, api_client, ssh_keypair, image, wait_timeout) delete_vm(sourcevm_name, api_client, wait_timeout)
def sourcevm_name()
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def sourcevm_name(): return unique_name("source-vm")
def start_vm(name, api_client, timeout_secs)
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def start_vm(name, api_client, timeout_secs): _, data = api_client.vms.start(name) deadline = + timedelta(seconds=timeout_secs) while deadline > _, data = api_client.vms.get(name) status = data.get("status", {}).get("printableStatus") if "Running" == status: return sleep(1) raise AssertionError(f"timed out trying to start {name}")
def stop_vm(name, api_client, timeout_secs)
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def stop_vm(name, api_client, timeout_secs): _, data = api_client.vms.stop(name) deadline = + timedelta(seconds=timeout_secs) while deadline > _, data = api_client.vms.get(name) status = data.get("status", {}).get("printableStatus") if "Stopped" == status: return sleep(1) raise AssertionError(f"timed out trying to stop {name}")
def unique_name(name)
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def unique_name(name): return f"{'%m%S%f')}-{name}"
def vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, user, ssh_keypair, action, wait_timeout)
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def vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, user, ssh_keypair, action, wait_timeout): _, privatekey = ssh_keypair deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(name) if 200 == code: phase = data.get("status", {}).get("phase") conds = data.get("status", {}).get("conditions", [{}]) if ("Running" == phase and "AgentConnected" == conds[-1].get("type") and data["status"].get("interfaces")): break sleep(3) vm_ip = next(iface["ipAddress"] for iface in data["status"]["interfaces"] if iface["name"] == "default") code, data = api_client.hosts.get(data["status"]["nodeName"]) host_ip = next(addr["address"] for addr in data["status"]["addresses"] if addr["type"] == "InternalIP") with host_shell.login(host_ip, jumphost=True) as h: vm_sh = vm_shell(user, pkey=privatekey) deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > try: vm_sh.connect(vm_ip, jumphost=h.client) except ChannelException as e: print(e) sleep(3) else: break else: raise AssertionError(f"Unable to login to {name}") with vm_sh as sh: action(sh)
def vm_snapshot_2_name()
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def vm_snapshot_2_name(): return "vm-snapshot-2"
def vm_snapshot_name()
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def vm_snapshot_name(): return "vm-snapshot"
class TestVMSnapshot
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.virtualmachines class TestVMSnapshot: @pytest.mark.dependency(name="source_vm_snapshot") def test_vm_snapshot_create(self, api_client, source_vm, vm_snapshot_name, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_keypair, wait_timeout): """ Test that the VM snapshot can be created. Prerequisite: A virtual machine has been created and is running. """ name, ssh_user = source_vm def action(sh): _, _ = sh.exec_command("echo 123 > test.txt") _, _ = sh.exec_command("sync") vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_user, ssh_keypair, action, wait_timeout) # Since `sync` isn't actually synchronous, wait a couple of # seconds to let the I/O flush to disk. sleep(2) code, _ = api_client.vm_snapshots.create(name, vm_snapshot_name) assert 201 == code deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, data = api_client.vm_snapshots.get(vm_snapshot_name) if data.get("status", {}).get("readyToUse"): break print(f"waiting for {vm_snapshot_name} to be ready") sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError(f"timed out waiting for {vm_snapshot_name} to be ready") assert 200 == code assert data.get("status", {}).get("readyToUse") is True @pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["source_vm_snapshot"]) def test_volume_snapshot_not_exist(self, api_client): ''' ref: ''' code, data = api_client.vol_snapshots.get() assert 200 == code, (code, data) assert not data['data'], (code, data) @pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["source_vm_snapshot"]) def test_restore_into_new_vm_from_vm_snapshot(self, api_client, restored_from_snapshot_vm, ssh_keypair, host_shell, vm_shell, wait_timeout): """ Test that restoring the `vm-snapshot` into a new virtual machine results in a virtual machine with the expected well-known file (`test.txt`) with the expected contents (`123`). Prerequisites: 1. The source VM from the first test case and its snapshot (`vm-snapshot`). """ name, ssh_user = restored_from_snapshot_vm def actassert(sh): out, _ = sh.exec_command("cat test.txt") assert "123" in out vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_user, ssh_keypair, actassert, wait_timeout) @pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["source_vm_snapshot"]) def test_replace_is_rejected_when_deletepolicy_is_retain(self, api_client, source_vm, vm_snapshot_name, wait_timeout): name, _ = source_vm stop_vm(name, api_client, wait_timeout) """ Test that the Harvester API rejects a `replace` VirtualMachineRestore where the deletePolicy is not `retain`. Prequisites: 1. The original VM (`source-vm`) and snapshot (`vm-snapshot`) from the first test case. """ spec = api_client.backups.RestoreSpec.for_existing(delete_volumes=True) code, data = api_client.vm_snapshots.restore(vm_snapshot_name, spec) reason = data.get("message") wantmsg = "Delete policy with backup type snapshot" " for replacing VM is not supported" assert wantmsg in reason assert 422 == code @pytest.mark.dependency(name="replaced_source_vm", depends=["source_vm_snapshot"]) def test_replace_vm_with_vm_snapshot(self, api_client, source_vm, vm_snapshot_name, ssh_keypair, host_shell, vm_shell, wait_timeout): """ Test that the original virtual machine can be replaced from its original snapshot (`vm-snapshot`) and that the snapshot's data contains the well-known file (`test.txt`) and its expected contents (`123`). Prerequisites: `vm-snapshot` VM snapshot exists. """ name, ssh_user = source_vm start_vm(name, api_client, wait_timeout) def modify(sh): _, _ = sh.exec_command("rm -f test.txt && sync") vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_user, ssh_keypair, modify, wait_timeout) # Just to wait for `sync` sleep(2) stop_vm(name, api_client, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.backups.RestoreSpec.for_existing(delete_volumes=False) code, data = api_client.vm_snapshots.restore(vm_snapshot_name, spec) deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, data = api_client.vms.get(name) if 200 == code and "Running" == data.get("status", {}).get("printableStatus"): break print("waiting for restored vm to be running") sleep(3) assert "Running" == data.get("status", {}).get("printableStatus") def actassert(sh): out, _ = sh.exec_command("cat test.txt") assert "123" in out vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_user, ssh_keypair, actassert, wait_timeout) @pytest.mark.dependency(name="detached_source_vm_pvc", depends=["replaced_source_vm"]) def test_restore_from_vm_snapshot_while_pvc_detached_from_source(self, api_client, restored_vm_2, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_keypair, wait_timeout): """ Test that a new virtual machine can be created from a VM snapshot created from a source PersistentVolumeClaim that is now detached. Prerequisites: The original VM (`source-vm`) exists and is stopped (so that the PVC is detached.) The original snapshot (`vm-snapshot`) exists. """ name, ssh_user = restored_vm_2 def actassert(sh): out, _ = sh.exec_command("cat test.txt") assert "123" in out vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_user, ssh_keypair, actassert, wait_timeout) @pytest.mark.dependency(name="snapshot_created_from_detached_source_vm_pvc", depends=["detached_source_vm_pvc"]) def test_create_vm_snapshot_while_pvc_detached(self, api_client, vm_snapshot_2_name, source_vm, wait_timeout): """ Test that a VM snapshot can be created when the source PVC is detached. Prerequisites: The original VM (`source-vm`) exists and is stopped (so that the PVC is detached.) """ name, _ = source_vm stop_vm(name, api_client, wait_timeout) code, _ = api_client.vm_snapshots.create(name, vm_snapshot_2_name) assert 201 == code deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, data = api_client.vm_snapshots.get(vm_snapshot_2_name) if data.get("status", {}).get("readyToUse"): break print(f"waiting for {vm_snapshot_2_name} to be ready") sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError(f"timed out waiting for {vm_snapshot_2_name} to be ready") code, data = api_client.vm_snapshots.get(vm_snapshot_2_name) assert 200 == code assert data.get("status", {}).get("readyToUse") is True @pytest.mark.dependency(name="cleaned_up_after_vm_delete") def test_vm_snapshots_are_cleaned_up_after_source_vm_deleted(self, api_client, source_vm, vm_snapshot_name, wait_timeout): """ Test that VM snapshots are removed when the VM they correspond to have been deleted. Prerequisites: The original VM (`source-vm`) exists and so does its first snapshot (`vm-snapshot`). Assert that the snapshot exists, then delete the VM and assert that the snapshot has been removed. """ code, _ = api_client.vm_snapshots.get(vm_snapshot_name) assert 200 == code name, _ = source_vm code, _ = api_client.vms.delete(name) assert 200 == code def wait_for_snapshot_to_disappear(snapshot): deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, _ = api_client.vm_snapshots.get(snapshot) if code == 404: return sleep(1) else: AssertionError(f"timeout while waiting for {snapshot}" f" to be deleted after its VM was deleted") wait_for_snapshot_to_disappear(vm_snapshot_name) @pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["snapshot_created_from_detached_source_vm_pvc", "cleaned_up_after_vm_delete"]) def test_volume_snapshots_are_cleaned_up_after_source_volume_deleted(self, api_client, source_vm, wait_timeout): """ Test that any volume snapshots that result from taking a VM snapshot while the PVC is detached are cleaned up after the volume is deleted. Prerequisites: The volume from the original VM (`source-vm`) exists and is not attached because the original VM was replaced and the deletePolicy was `retain`. """ # First, assert that the expected volume exists. name, _ = source_vm volumename = f"{name}-disk-0" code, _ = api_client.volumes.get(volumename) assert 200 == code # And assert that it has a volume snapshot associated with it. volumesnapshotname = f"vm-snapshot-volume-{volumename}" code, data = api_client.vol_snapshots.get(volumesnapshotname) assert 200 == code ownerpvc = data.get("spec", {}).get("source", {}).get("persistentVolumeClaimName") assert volumename == ownerpvc # Then delete the volume and wait for it to disappear. code, _ = api_client.volumes.delete(volumename) deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, _ = api_client.volumes.get(volumename) if code == 404: break sleep(1) else: raise AssertionError(f"timed out waiting for {volumename} to be deleted") # Finally, wait for the volume snapshot to be cleaned up # automatically. code, _ = api_client.vol_snapshots.get(volumesnapshotname) while deadline > code, _ = api_client.vol_snapshots.get(volumesnapshotname) if code == 404: break sleep(1) else: raise AssertionError(f"timed out waiting for {volumesnapshotname} to be deleted")
Class variables
var pytestmark
def test_create_vm_snapshot_while_pvc_detached(self, api_client, vm_snapshot_2_name, source_vm, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.mark.dependency(name="snapshot_created_from_detached_source_vm_pvc", depends=["detached_source_vm_pvc"]) def test_create_vm_snapshot_while_pvc_detached(self, api_client, vm_snapshot_2_name, source_vm, wait_timeout): """ Test that a VM snapshot can be created when the source PVC is detached. Prerequisites: The original VM (`source-vm`) exists and is stopped (so that the PVC is detached.) """ name, _ = source_vm stop_vm(name, api_client, wait_timeout) code, _ = api_client.vm_snapshots.create(name, vm_snapshot_2_name) assert 201 == code deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, data = api_client.vm_snapshots.get(vm_snapshot_2_name) if data.get("status", {}).get("readyToUse"): break print(f"waiting for {vm_snapshot_2_name} to be ready") sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError(f"timed out waiting for {vm_snapshot_2_name} to be ready") code, data = api_client.vm_snapshots.get(vm_snapshot_2_name) assert 200 == code assert data.get("status", {}).get("readyToUse") is True
Test that a VM snapshot can be created when the source PVC is detached.
Prerequisites: The original VM (
) exists and is stopped (so that the PVC is detached.) def test_replace_is_rejected_when_deletepolicy_is_retain(self, api_client, source_vm, vm_snapshot_name, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["source_vm_snapshot"]) def test_replace_is_rejected_when_deletepolicy_is_retain(self, api_client, source_vm, vm_snapshot_name, wait_timeout): name, _ = source_vm stop_vm(name, api_client, wait_timeout) """ Test that the Harvester API rejects a `replace` VirtualMachineRestore where the deletePolicy is not `retain`. Prequisites: 1. The original VM (`source-vm`) and snapshot (`vm-snapshot`) from the first test case. """ spec = api_client.backups.RestoreSpec.for_existing(delete_volumes=True) code, data = api_client.vm_snapshots.restore(vm_snapshot_name, spec) reason = data.get("message") wantmsg = "Delete policy with backup type snapshot" " for replacing VM is not supported" assert wantmsg in reason assert 422 == code
def test_replace_vm_with_vm_snapshot(self,
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@pytest.mark.dependency(name="replaced_source_vm", depends=["source_vm_snapshot"]) def test_replace_vm_with_vm_snapshot(self, api_client, source_vm, vm_snapshot_name, ssh_keypair, host_shell, vm_shell, wait_timeout): """ Test that the original virtual machine can be replaced from its original snapshot (`vm-snapshot`) and that the snapshot's data contains the well-known file (`test.txt`) and its expected contents (`123`). Prerequisites: `vm-snapshot` VM snapshot exists. """ name, ssh_user = source_vm start_vm(name, api_client, wait_timeout) def modify(sh): _, _ = sh.exec_command("rm -f test.txt && sync") vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_user, ssh_keypair, modify, wait_timeout) # Just to wait for `sync` sleep(2) stop_vm(name, api_client, wait_timeout) spec = api_client.backups.RestoreSpec.for_existing(delete_volumes=False) code, data = api_client.vm_snapshots.restore(vm_snapshot_name, spec) deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, data = api_client.vms.get(name) if 200 == code and "Running" == data.get("status", {}).get("printableStatus"): break print("waiting for restored vm to be running") sleep(3) assert "Running" == data.get("status", {}).get("printableStatus") def actassert(sh): out, _ = sh.exec_command("cat test.txt") assert "123" in out vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_user, ssh_keypair, actassert, wait_timeout)
Test that the original virtual machine can be replaced from its original snapshot (
) and that the snapshot's data contains the well-known file (test.txt
) and its expected contents (123
VM snapshot exists. def test_restore_from_vm_snapshot_while_pvc_detached_from_source(self, api_client, restored_vm_2, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_keypair, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.mark.dependency(name="detached_source_vm_pvc", depends=["replaced_source_vm"]) def test_restore_from_vm_snapshot_while_pvc_detached_from_source(self, api_client, restored_vm_2, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_keypair, wait_timeout): """ Test that a new virtual machine can be created from a VM snapshot created from a source PersistentVolumeClaim that is now detached. Prerequisites: The original VM (`source-vm`) exists and is stopped (so that the PVC is detached.) The original snapshot (`vm-snapshot`) exists. """ name, ssh_user = restored_vm_2 def actassert(sh): out, _ = sh.exec_command("cat test.txt") assert "123" in out vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_user, ssh_keypair, actassert, wait_timeout)
Test that a new virtual machine can be created from a VM snapshot created from a source PersistentVolumeClaim that is now detached.
Prerequisites: The original VM (
) exists and is stopped (so that the PVC is detached.)The original snapshot (
) exists. def test_restore_into_new_vm_from_vm_snapshot(self,
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@pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["source_vm_snapshot"]) def test_restore_into_new_vm_from_vm_snapshot(self, api_client, restored_from_snapshot_vm, ssh_keypair, host_shell, vm_shell, wait_timeout): """ Test that restoring the `vm-snapshot` into a new virtual machine results in a virtual machine with the expected well-known file (`test.txt`) with the expected contents (`123`). Prerequisites: 1. The source VM from the first test case and its snapshot (`vm-snapshot`). """ name, ssh_user = restored_from_snapshot_vm def actassert(sh): out, _ = sh.exec_command("cat test.txt") assert "123" in out vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_user, ssh_keypair, actassert, wait_timeout)
Test that restoring the
into a new virtual machine results in a virtual machine with the expected well-known file (test.txt
) with the expected contents (123
).Prerequisites: 1. The source VM from the first test case and its snapshot (
). def test_vm_snapshot_create(self,
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@pytest.mark.dependency(name="source_vm_snapshot") def test_vm_snapshot_create(self, api_client, source_vm, vm_snapshot_name, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_keypair, wait_timeout): """ Test that the VM snapshot can be created. Prerequisite: A virtual machine has been created and is running. """ name, ssh_user = source_vm def action(sh): _, _ = sh.exec_command("echo 123 > test.txt") _, _ = sh.exec_command("sync") vm_shell_do(name, api_client, host_shell, vm_shell, ssh_user, ssh_keypair, action, wait_timeout) # Since `sync` isn't actually synchronous, wait a couple of # seconds to let the I/O flush to disk. sleep(2) code, _ = api_client.vm_snapshots.create(name, vm_snapshot_name) assert 201 == code deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, data = api_client.vm_snapshots.get(vm_snapshot_name) if data.get("status", {}).get("readyToUse"): break print(f"waiting for {vm_snapshot_name} to be ready") sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError(f"timed out waiting for {vm_snapshot_name} to be ready") assert 200 == code assert data.get("status", {}).get("readyToUse") is True
Test that the VM snapshot can be created.
Prerequisite: A virtual machine has been created and is running.
def test_vm_snapshots_are_cleaned_up_after_source_vm_deleted(self, api_client, source_vm, vm_snapshot_name, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.mark.dependency(name="cleaned_up_after_vm_delete") def test_vm_snapshots_are_cleaned_up_after_source_vm_deleted(self, api_client, source_vm, vm_snapshot_name, wait_timeout): """ Test that VM snapshots are removed when the VM they correspond to have been deleted. Prerequisites: The original VM (`source-vm`) exists and so does its first snapshot (`vm-snapshot`). Assert that the snapshot exists, then delete the VM and assert that the snapshot has been removed. """ code, _ = api_client.vm_snapshots.get(vm_snapshot_name) assert 200 == code name, _ = source_vm code, _ = api_client.vms.delete(name) assert 200 == code def wait_for_snapshot_to_disappear(snapshot): deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, _ = api_client.vm_snapshots.get(snapshot) if code == 404: return sleep(1) else: AssertionError(f"timeout while waiting for {snapshot}" f" to be deleted after its VM was deleted") wait_for_snapshot_to_disappear(vm_snapshot_name)
Test that VM snapshots are removed when the VM they correspond to have been deleted.
Prerequisites: The original VM (
) exists and so does its first snapshot (vm-snapshot
).Assert that the snapshot exists, then delete the VM and assert that the snapshot has been removed.
def test_volume_snapshot_not_exist(self, api_client)
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@pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["source_vm_snapshot"]) def test_volume_snapshot_not_exist(self, api_client): ''' ref: ''' code, data = api_client.vol_snapshots.get() assert 200 == code, (code, data) assert not data['data'], (code, data)
def test_volume_snapshots_are_cleaned_up_after_source_volume_deleted(self, api_client, source_vm, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["snapshot_created_from_detached_source_vm_pvc", "cleaned_up_after_vm_delete"]) def test_volume_snapshots_are_cleaned_up_after_source_volume_deleted(self, api_client, source_vm, wait_timeout): """ Test that any volume snapshots that result from taking a VM snapshot while the PVC is detached are cleaned up after the volume is deleted. Prerequisites: The volume from the original VM (`source-vm`) exists and is not attached because the original VM was replaced and the deletePolicy was `retain`. """ # First, assert that the expected volume exists. name, _ = source_vm volumename = f"{name}-disk-0" code, _ = api_client.volumes.get(volumename) assert 200 == code # And assert that it has a volume snapshot associated with it. volumesnapshotname = f"vm-snapshot-volume-{volumename}" code, data = api_client.vol_snapshots.get(volumesnapshotname) assert 200 == code ownerpvc = data.get("spec", {}).get("source", {}).get("persistentVolumeClaimName") assert volumename == ownerpvc # Then delete the volume and wait for it to disappear. code, _ = api_client.volumes.delete(volumename) deadline = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while deadline > code, _ = api_client.volumes.get(volumename) if code == 404: break sleep(1) else: raise AssertionError(f"timed out waiting for {volumename} to be deleted") # Finally, wait for the volume snapshot to be cleaned up # automatically. code, _ = api_client.vol_snapshots.get(volumesnapshotname) while deadline > code, _ = api_client.vol_snapshots.get(volumesnapshotname) if code == 404: break sleep(1) else: raise AssertionError(f"timed out waiting for {volumesnapshotname} to be deleted")
Test that any volume snapshots that result from taking a VM snapshot while the PVC is detached are cleaned up after the volume is deleted.
Prerequisites: The volume from the original VM (
) exists and is not attached because the original VM was replaced and the deletePolicy wasretain