Module harvester_e2e_tests.integrations.test_3_vm
def available_node_names(api_client)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def available_node_names(api_client): status_code, nodes_info = api_client.hosts.get() assert status_code == 200, f"Failed to list nodes with error: {nodes_info}" node_names = [] for node_info in nodes_info['data']: is_ready = False for condition in node_info.get('status', {}).get('conditions', []): if condition.get('type', "") == "Ready" and \ condition.get('status', "") == "True": is_ready = True break if is_ready and not node_info.get('spec', {}).get('unschedulable', False): node_names.append(node_info['metadata']['name']) assert 2 <= len(node_names), ( f"The cluster only have {len(node_names)} available node. It's not enough." ) yield node_names
def cluster_network(api_client, vlan_nic)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def cluster_network(api_client, vlan_nic): name = f"cnet-{vlan_nic}" code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.create(name) assert 201 == code, (code, data) code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.create_config(name, name, vlan_nic) assert 201 == code, (code, data) yield name # teardown code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.delete_config(name) assert 200 == code, (code, data) code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.delete(name) assert 200 == code, (code, data)
def minimal_vm(api_client, unique_name, ubuntu_image, ssh_keypair, vm_checker)
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@pytest.fixture def minimal_vm(api_client, unique_name, ubuntu_image, ssh_keypair, vm_checker): unique_vm_name = f"vm-{unique_name}" cpu, mem = 1, 2 pub_key, pri_key = ssh_keypair vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec(cpu, mem) vm_spec.add_image("disk-0", userdata = yaml.safe_load(vm_spec.user_data) userdata['ssh_authorized_keys'] = [pub_key] userdata['password'] = 'password' userdata['chpasswd'] = dict(expire=False) userdata['sshpwauth'] = True vm_spec.user_data = yaml.dump(userdata) code, data = api_client.vms.create(unique_vm_name, vm_spec) vm_got_ips, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_ip_addresses(unique_vm_name, ['default']) assert vm_got_ips, ( f"Fail to start VM and get IP with error: {code}, {data}" ) vm_ip = next(i['ipAddress'] for i in data['status']['interfaces'] if i['name'] == 'default') code, data = api_client.hosts.get(data['status']['nodeName']) host_ip = next(a['address'] for a in data['status']['addresses'] if a['type'] == 'InternalIP') yield SimpleNamespace(**{ "name": unique_vm_name, "host_ip": host_ip, "vm_ip": vm_ip, "ssh_user": ubuntu_image.ssh_user }) # teardown code, data = api_client.vms.get(unique_vm_name) vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vm_deleted, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_deleted(unique_vm_name) assert vm_deleted, (code, data) for vol in vm_spec.volumes: vol_name = vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] api_client.volumes.delete(vol_name)
def storage_network(api_client, cluster_network, vm_network, setting_checker)
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@pytest.fixture def storage_network(api_client, cluster_network, vm_network, setting_checker): ''' Ref. ''' yield SimpleNamespace(**{ "vlan_id": vm_network.vlan_id, "cluster_network": cluster_network, "cidr": vm_network.cidr, "enable_spec": api_client.settings.StorageNetworkSpec.enable_with( vm_network.vlan_id, cluster_network, vm_network.cidr ) }) # teardown disable_spec = api_client.settings.StorageNetworkSpec.disable() code, data = api_client.settings.update('storage-network', disable_spec) assert 200 == code, (code, data) snet_disabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_disabled_on_harvester() assert snet_disabled, (code, data) snet_disabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_disabled_on_longhorn() assert snet_disabled, (code, data)
def test_migrate_vm_with_multiple_volumes(api_client, unique_name, ubuntu_image, wait_timeout, available_node_names, vm_checker)
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.virtualmachines def test_migrate_vm_with_multiple_volumes( api_client, unique_name, ubuntu_image, wait_timeout, available_node_names, vm_checker ): vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 1) vm_spec.add_image('disk-0', vm_spec.add_volume('disk-1', 1) code, vm_data = api_client.vms.create(unique_name, vm_spec) assert code == 201, ( f"Failed to create VM {unique_name} with error: {code}, {vm_data}" ) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) data, vmi_data = None, None while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get(unique_name) if data.get('status', {}).get('ready', False): code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(unique_name) if data['status']['conditions'][-1]['status'] == 'True': vmi_data = data break sleep(5) else: vm_checker.wait_deleted(unique_name) raise AssertionError( f"Can't find VM {unique_name} with {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Got error: {code}, {data}" ) src_host = vmi_data['status']['nodeName'] dst_host = next(n for n in available_node_names if n != src_host) code, data = api_client.vms.migrate(unique_name, dst_host) assert code == 204, ( f"Can't migrate VM {unique_name} from host {src_host} to {dst_host}", f"Got error: {code}, {data}" ) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(unique_name) if data.get('status', {}).get('migrationState', {}).get('completed', False): assert dst_host == data['status']['nodeName'], ( f"Failed to migrate VM {unique_name} from {src_host} to {dst_host}" ) break sleep(5) else: vm_checker.wait_deleted(unique_name) raise AssertionError( f"The migration of VM {unique_name} is not completed with {wait_timeout} timed out" f"Got error: {code}, {data}" ) # teardown vm_deleted, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_deleted(unique_name) assert vm_deleted, (code, data) for vol in api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(vm_data).volumes: if vol['volume'].get('persistentVolumeClaim', {}).get('claimName', "") != "": api_client.volumes.delete(vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'])
def test_migrate_vm_with_user_data(api_client, unique_name, ubuntu_image, wait_timeout, available_node_names, vm_checker)
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.virtualmachines def test_migrate_vm_with_user_data( api_client, unique_name, ubuntu_image, wait_timeout, available_node_names, vm_checker ): vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 1) vm_spec.add_image('disk-0', vm_spec.user_data += ( "password: test\n" "chpasswd:\n" " expire: false\n" "ssh_pwauth: true\n" ) code, vm_data = api_client.vms.create(unique_name, vm_spec) assert code == 201, ( f"Failed to create VM {unique_name} with error: {code}, {vm_data}" ) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) data, vmi_data = None, None while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get(unique_name) if data.get('status', {}).get('ready', False): code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(unique_name) if data['status']['conditions'][-1]['status'] == 'True': vmi_data = data break sleep(5) else: vm_checker.wait_deleted(unique_name) raise AssertionError( f"Can't find VM {unique_name} with {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Got error: {code}, {data}" ) src_host = vmi_data['status']['nodeName'] dst_host = next(n for n in available_node_names if n != src_host) code, data = api_client.vms.migrate(unique_name, dst_host) assert code == 204, ( f"Can't migrate VM {unique_name} from host {src_host} to {dst_host}", f"Got error: {code}, {data}" ) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(unique_name) if data.get('status', {}).get('migrationState', {}).get('completed', False): assert dst_host == data['status']['nodeName'], ( f"Failed to migrate VM {unique_name} from {src_host} to {dst_host}" ) break sleep(5) else: vm_checker.wait_deleted(unique_name) raise AssertionError( f"The migration of VM {unique_name} is not completed with {wait_timeout} timed out" f"Got error: {code}, {data}" ) # teardown vm_deleted, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_deleted(unique_name) assert vm_deleted, (code, data) for vol in api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(vm_data).volumes: if vol['volume'].get('persistentVolumeClaim', {}).get('claimName', "") != "": api_client.volumes.delete(vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'])
def test_multiple_migrations(api_client, unique_name, ubuntu_image, wait_timeout, available_node_names)
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.virtualmachines def test_multiple_migrations( api_client, unique_name, ubuntu_image, wait_timeout, available_node_names ): vm_spec = api_client.vms.Spec(1, 1) vm_spec.add_image('disk-0', vm_names = [f"migrate-1-{unique_name}", f"migrate-2-{unique_name}"] volumes = [] for vm_name in vm_names: code, data = api_client.vms.create(vm_name, vm_spec) assert 201 == code, ( f"Failed to create VM {vm_name} with error: {code}, {data}" ) volumes.extend(api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data).volumes) vmi_data = [] vm_name = code = data = None endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > vmi_data.clear() for vm_name in vm_names: code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) if not (code == 200 and "Running" == data.get('status', {}).get('phase')): break vmi_data.append(data) else: break sleep(5) else: for vm_name in vm_names: api_client.vms.delete(vm_name) raise AssertionError( f"Can't find VM {vm_name} with {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Got error: {code}, {data}" ) vm_src_dst_hosts = {} # {vm_name: [src_host, dst_host]} for vm_name, vm_datum in zip(vm_names, vmi_data): src_host = vm_datum['status']['nodeName'] dst_host = next(n for n in available_node_names if n != src_host) vm_src_dst_hosts[vm_name] = [src_host, dst_host] code, data = api_client.vms.migrate(vm_name, dst_host) assert code == 204, ( f"Can't migrate VM {vm_name} from host {src_host} to {dst_host}", f"Got error: {code}, {data}" ) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > fails = [] for vm_name, (src, dst) in vm_src_dst_hosts.items(): code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) if not data.get('status', {}).get('migrationState', {}).get('completed'): break else: if dst != data['status']['nodeName']: fails.append( f"Failed to migrate VM {vm_name} from {src} to {dst}\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) else: break sleep(5) else: for vm_name in vm_names: api_client.vms.delete(vm_name) raise AssertionError("\n".join(fails)) # teardown for vm_name in vm_names: api_client.vms.delete(vm_name) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) code, data = None, None while endtime > fails = [] for vm_name in vm_names: code, data = api_client.vms.get_status(vm_name) if code != 404: fails.append( f"VM {vm_name} can't be deleted with {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"API Status({code}): {data}" ) break else: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError("\n".join(fails)) for vol in volumes: if vol['volume'].get('persistentVolumeClaim', {}).get('claimName'): api_client.volumes.delete(vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'])
def ubuntu_image(api_client, unique_name, image_ubuntu, image_checker)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="module") def ubuntu_image(api_client, unique_name, image_ubuntu, image_checker): name = f"{}-{unique_name}" code, data = api_client.images.create_by_url(name, image_ubuntu.url) assert 201 == code, (code, data) image_downloaded, (code, data) = image_checker.wait_downloaded(name) assert image_downloaded, (code, data) namespace = data['metadata']['namespace'] assert name == data['metadata']['name'], data yield SimpleNamespace( name=name, id=f"{namespace}/{name}", ssh_user=image_ubuntu.ssh_user ) # teardown code, data = api_client.images.delete(name, namespace) assert 200 == code, (code, data) image_deleted, (code, data) = image_checker.wait_deleted(name) assert image_deleted, (code, data)
def vm_network(api_client, unique_name, cluster_network, vlan_id, network_checker)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def vm_network(api_client, unique_name, cluster_network, vlan_id, network_checker): name = f"vnet-{unique_name}" code, data = api_client.networks.create(name, vlan_id, cluster_network=cluster_network) assert 201 == code, (code, data) vnet_routed, (code, data) = network_checker.wait_routed(name) assert vnet_routed, (code, data) route = json.loads(data['metadata'].get('annotations').get('')) yield SimpleNamespace( name=name, vlan_id=vlan_id, cidr=route['cidr'] ) # teardown code, data = api_client.networks.delete(name) assert 200 == code, (code, data)
class TestVMWithStorageNetwork
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.networks @pytest.mark.settings @pytest.mark.virtualmachines @pytest.mark.skip_version_if("< v1.0.3") class TestVMWithStorageNetwork: def test_enable_storage_network_with_api_stopped_vm( self, api_client, minimal_vm, storage_network, setting_checker, vm_checker, volume_checker ): ''' Steps: 1. Have at least one Running VM 2. Enable storage-network (should fail) 3. Stop all VMs via API 4. Enable storage-network ''' code, data = api_client.settings.update('storage-network', storage_network.enable_spec) assert 422 == code, ( f"storage-network should NOT be enabled with running VM: {code}, {data}" ) # stop VM by API vm_stopped, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_status_stopped( assert vm_stopped, (code, data) code, data = api_client.vms.get( spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vol_names = [vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] for vol in spec.volumes] vm_volumes_detached, (code, data) = volume_checker.wait_volumes_detached(vol_names) assert vm_volumes_detached, (code, data) # enable storage-network code, data = api_client.settings.update('storage-network', storage_network.enable_spec) assert 200 == code, (code, data) snet_enabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_enabled_on_harvester() assert snet_enabled, (code, data) snet_enabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_enabled_on_longhorn( storage_network.cidr ) assert snet_enabled, (code, data) def test_enable_storage_network_with_cli_stopped_vm( self, api_client, ssh_keypair, minimal_vm, storage_network, setting_checker, vm_shell_from_host, wait_timeout, volume_checker ): ''' Refer to Steps: 1. Have at least one Running VM 2. Enable storage-network (should fail) 3. Stop all VMs via VM CLI 4. Enable storage-network ''' code, data = api_client.settings.update('storage-network', storage_network.enable_spec) assert 422 == code, ( f"storage-network should NOT be enabled with running VM: {code}, {data}" ) # stop VM by CLI with vm_shell_from_host( minimal_vm.host_ip, minimal_vm.vm_ip, minimal_vm.ssh_user, pkey=ssh_keypair[1] ) as sh: sh.exec_command('sudo shutdown now') endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get( if 200 == code and "Stopped" == data.get('status', {}).get('printableStatus'): break sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError( f"Fail to shutdown VM {} with error: {code}, {data}" ) code, data = api_client.vms.get( spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vol_names = [vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] for vol in spec.volumes] vm_volumes_detached, (code, data) = volume_checker.wait_volumes_detached(vol_names) assert vm_volumes_detached, (code, data) # enable storage-network code, data = api_client.settings.update('storage-network', storage_network.enable_spec) assert 200 == code, (code, data) snet_enabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_enabled_on_harvester() assert snet_enabled, (code, data) snet_enabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_enabled_on_longhorn( storage_network.cidr ) assert snet_enabled, (code, data)
Class variables
var pytestmark
def test_enable_storage_network_with_api_stopped_vm(self,
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def test_enable_storage_network_with_api_stopped_vm( self, api_client, minimal_vm, storage_network, setting_checker, vm_checker, volume_checker ): ''' Steps: 1. Have at least one Running VM 2. Enable storage-network (should fail) 3. Stop all VMs via API 4. Enable storage-network ''' code, data = api_client.settings.update('storage-network', storage_network.enable_spec) assert 422 == code, ( f"storage-network should NOT be enabled with running VM: {code}, {data}" ) # stop VM by API vm_stopped, (code, data) = vm_checker.wait_status_stopped( assert vm_stopped, (code, data) code, data = api_client.vms.get( spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vol_names = [vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] for vol in spec.volumes] vm_volumes_detached, (code, data) = volume_checker.wait_volumes_detached(vol_names) assert vm_volumes_detached, (code, data) # enable storage-network code, data = api_client.settings.update('storage-network', storage_network.enable_spec) assert 200 == code, (code, data) snet_enabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_enabled_on_harvester() assert snet_enabled, (code, data) snet_enabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_enabled_on_longhorn( storage_network.cidr ) assert snet_enabled, (code, data)
- Have at least one Running VM
- Enable storage-network (should fail)
- Stop all VMs via API
- Enable storage-network
def test_enable_storage_network_with_cli_stopped_vm(self,
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def test_enable_storage_network_with_cli_stopped_vm( self, api_client, ssh_keypair, minimal_vm, storage_network, setting_checker, vm_shell_from_host, wait_timeout, volume_checker ): ''' Refer to Steps: 1. Have at least one Running VM 2. Enable storage-network (should fail) 3. Stop all VMs via VM CLI 4. Enable storage-network ''' code, data = api_client.settings.update('storage-network', storage_network.enable_spec) assert 422 == code, ( f"storage-network should NOT be enabled with running VM: {code}, {data}" ) # stop VM by CLI with vm_shell_from_host( minimal_vm.host_ip, minimal_vm.vm_ip, minimal_vm.ssh_user, pkey=ssh_keypair[1] ) as sh: sh.exec_command('sudo shutdown now') endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.vms.get( if 200 == code and "Stopped" == data.get('status', {}).get('printableStatus'): break sleep(3) else: raise AssertionError( f"Fail to shutdown VM {} with error: {code}, {data}" ) code, data = api_client.vms.get( spec = api_client.vms.Spec.from_dict(data) vol_names = [vol['volume']['persistentVolumeClaim']['claimName'] for vol in spec.volumes] vm_volumes_detached, (code, data) = volume_checker.wait_volumes_detached(vol_names) assert vm_volumes_detached, (code, data) # enable storage-network code, data = api_client.settings.update('storage-network', storage_network.enable_spec) assert 200 == code, (code, data) snet_enabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_enabled_on_harvester() assert snet_enabled, (code, data) snet_enabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_enabled_on_longhorn( storage_network.cidr ) assert snet_enabled, (code, data)
Refer to
- Have at least one Running VM
- Enable storage-network (should fail)
- Stop all VMs via VM CLI
- Enable storage-network