Module harvester_e2e_tests.integrations.test_1_images
def cluster_network(api_client, vlan_nic)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def cluster_network(api_client, vlan_nic): # We should change this at some point. It fails if the total cnet name is over 12 chars cnet = f"cnet-{vlan_nic}" code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.get(cnet) if code != 200: code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.create(cnet) assert 201 == code, (code, data) code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.get_config(cnet) if code != 200: code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.create_config(cnet, cnet, vlan_nic) assert 201 == code, (code, data) yield cnet # Teardown code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.delete_config(cnet) assert 200 == code, (code, data) code, data = api_client.clusternetworks.delete(cnet) assert 200 == code, (code, data)
def create_image_url(api_client, name, image_url, image_checksum, wait_timeout)
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def create_image_url(api_client, name, image_url, image_checksum, wait_timeout): code, data = api_client.images.create_by_url(name, image_url, image_checksum) assert 201 == code, (code, data) image_spec = data.get("spec") assert name == image_spec.get("displayName") assert "download" == image_spec.get("sourceType") endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.images.get(name) image_status = data.get("status", {}) assert 200 == code, (code, data) if image_status.get("progress") == 100: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to download image {name} with {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" )
def delete_image(api_client, image_name, wait_timeout)
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def delete_image(api_client, image_name, wait_timeout): code, data = api_client.images.delete(image_name) assert 200 == code, f"Failed to delete image with error: {code}, {data}" endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.images.get(image_name) if code == 404: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to delete image {image_name} with {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" )
def delete_volume(api_client, volume_name, wait_timeout)
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def delete_volume(api_client, volume_name, wait_timeout): code, data = api_client.volumes.delete(volume_name) assert 200 == code, f"Failed to delete volume with error: {code}, {data}" endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.volumes.get(volume_name) if code == 404: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to delete volume {volume_name} with {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" )
def export_storage_class()
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@pytest.fixture(scope="session") def export_storage_class(): storage_class = "harvester-longhorn" return storage_class
def fake_invalid_image_file()
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@pytest.fixture(scope="session") def fake_invalid_image_file(): with NamedTemporaryFile("wb") as f: # less than 10MB f.write(b"\0") yield Path(
def get_image(api_client, image_name)
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def get_image(api_client, image_name): code, data = api_client.images.get() assert len(data["items"]) > 0, (code, data) code, data = api_client.images.get(image_name) assert 200 == code, (code, data) assert image_name == data["metadata"]["name"]
def image_info(request)
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@pytest.fixture(params=["image_opensuse", "image_ubuntu"]) def image_info(request): return request.getfixturevalue(request.param)
def storage_network(api_client, cluster_network, vlan_id, vlan_cidr, setting_checker)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def storage_network(api_client, cluster_network, vlan_id, vlan_cidr, setting_checker): ''' Ref. ''' enable_spec = api_client.settings.StorageNetworkSpec.enable_with( vlan_id, cluster_network, vlan_cidr ) code, data = api_client.settings.update('storage-network', enable_spec) assert 200 == code, (code, data) snet_enabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_enabled_on_harvester() assert snet_enabled, (code, data) snet_enabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_enabled_on_longhorn(vlan_cidr) assert snet_enabled, (code, data) yield # Teardown disable_spec = api_client.settings.StorageNetworkSpec.disable() code, data = api_client.settings.update('storage-network', disable_spec) assert 200 == code, (code, data) snet_disabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_disabled_on_harvester() assert snet_disabled, (code, data) snet_disabled, (code, data) = setting_checker.wait_storage_net_disabled_on_longhorn() assert snet_disabled, (code, data)
def vlan_cidr(api_client, cluster_network, vlan_id, wait_timeout, sleep_timeout)
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@pytest.fixture(scope="class") def vlan_cidr(api_client, cluster_network, vlan_id, wait_timeout, sleep_timeout): vnet = f'{cluster_network}-vlan{vlan_id}' code, data = api_client.networks.get(vnet) if code != 200: code, data = api_client.networks.create(vnet, vlan_id, cluster_network=cluster_network) assert 201 == code, (code, data) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.networks.get(vnet) annotations = data['metadata'].get('annotations', {}) if 200 == code and annotations.get(''): route = json.loads(annotations['']) if route['cidr']: break sleep(sleep_timeout) else: raise AssertionError( f"Fail to get route info of VM network {vnet} with error: {code}, {data}" ) yield route['cidr'] # Teardown code, data = api_client.networks.delete(vnet) assert 200 == code, (code, data)
class TestBackendImages
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@pytest.mark.p0 class TestBackendImages: @pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.dependency(name="create_image_from_volume") def test_create_image_from_volume( self, api_client, unique_name, export_storage_class, wait_timeout ): """ Test create image from volume Steps: 1. Create a volume "test-volume" in Volumes page 2. Export the volume to image "export-image" 3. Check the image "export-image" exists 4. Cleanup image "export-image" on Images page 5. Cleanup volume "test-volume" on Volumes page """ volume_name = f"volume-{unique_name}" image_name = f"image-{unique_name}" spec = api_client.volumes.Spec(1) code, data = api_client.volumes.create(volume_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (code, data) # Check volume ready endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.volumes.get(volume_name) if data["status"]["phase"] == "Bound": break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to delete volume {volume_name} bound in {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) api_client.volumes.export(volume_name, image_name, export_storage_class) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) image_id = "" while endtime > code, data = api_client.images.get() assert 200 == code, (code, data) for image in data["items"]: if image["spec"]["displayName"] == image_name: if 100 == image.get("status", {}).get("progress", 0): image_id = image["metadata"]["name"] break else: raise AssertionError(f"Failed to find image {image_name}") if image_id != "": break sleep(3) # snooze delete_volume(api_client, volume_name, wait_timeout) delete_image(api_client, image_id, wait_timeout) @pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.dependency(name="create_image_url") def test_create_image_url(self, image_info, unique_name, api_client, wait_timeout): """ Test create raw and iso type image from url Steps: 1. Open image page and select default URL 2. Input qcow2 image file download URL, wait for download complete 3. Check the qcow2 image exists 4. Input iso image file download URL, wait for download complete 5. Check the iso image exists """ image_name = f"{}-{unique_name}" image_url = image_info.url create_image_url(api_client, image_name, image_url, image_info.image_checksum, wait_timeout) @pytest.mark.skip_version_if("> v1.2.0", "<= v1.4.0", reason="Issue#4293 fix after `v1.4.0`") @pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.dependency(name="delete_image_recreate", depends=["create_image_url"]) def test_delete_image_recreate( self, api_client, image_info, unique_name, fake_image_file, wait_timeout, ): """ Test create raw and iso type image from file Steps: 1. Check the image created by URL exists 2. Delete the newly created image 3. Create an iso file type image from URL 4. Check the iso image exists 5. Upload an qcow2 file type image 5. Delete the newly uploaded file 6. Upload a new qcow2 file type image """ image_name = f"{}-{unique_name}" image_url = image_info.url get_image(api_client, image_name) delete_image(api_client, image_name, wait_timeout) create_image_url(api_client, image_name, image_url, wait_timeout) get_image(api_client, image_name) resp = api_client.images.create_by_file(unique_name, fake_image_file) assert ( 200 == resp.status_code ), f"Failed to upload fake image with error:{resp.status_code}, {resp.content}" get_image(api_client, unique_name) delete_image(api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout) resp = api_client.images.create_by_file(unique_name, fake_image_file) assert ( 200 == resp.status_code ), f"Failed to upload fake image with error:{resp.status_code}, {resp.content}" get_image(api_client, unique_name) delete_image(api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout) @pytest.mark.p0 def test_create_invalid_file( self, api_client, gen_unique_name, fake_invalid_image_file, wait_timeout ): """ Test create upload image from invalid file type Steps: 1. Prepare an invalid file that is not in a multiple of 512 bytes 2. Try to upload invalid image file which to images page 2. Check should get an error """ unique_name = gen_unique_name() resp = api_client.images.create_by_file(unique_name, fake_invalid_image_file) assert ( 500 == resp.status_code ), f"File size correct, it's a multiple of 512 bytes:{resp.status_code}, {resp.content}" delete_image(api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout) @pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.dependency(name="edit_image_in_use", depends=["create_image_url"]) def test_edit_image_in_use(self, api_client, unique_name, image_info, wait_timeout): """ Test can edit image which already in use Steps: 1. Check the image created from URL exists 2. Create a volume from existing image 3. Update the image labels and description 4. Check can change the image content """ image_name = f"{}-{unique_name}" volume_name = f"volume-{}-{unique_name}" code, data = api_client.images.get(name=image_name) assert 200 == code, (code, data) image_id = f"{data['metadata']['namespace']}/{image_name}" # Create volume from image_id spec = api_client.volumes.Spec(1) code, data = api_client.volumes.create(volume_name, spec, image_id=image_id) assert 201 == code, (code, data) # Check volume ready endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.volumes.get(volume_name) if data["status"]["phase"] == "Bound": break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to delete volume {unique_name} bound in {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) # Update image content updates = { "labels": {"usage-label": "yes"}, "annotations": {"": "edit image in use"}, } # Update image by input code, data = api_client.images.update(image_name, dict(metadata=updates)) assert 200 == code, f"Failed to update image with error: {code}, {data}" unexpected = list() for field, pairs in updates.items(): for k, val in pairs.items(): if data["metadata"][field].get(k) != val: unexpected.append((field, k, val, data["metadata"][field].get(k))) assert not unexpected, "\n".join( f"Update {f} failed, set key {k} as {v} but got {n}" for f, k, v, n in unexpected ) delete_volume(api_client, volume_name, wait_timeout) delete_image(api_client, image_name, wait_timeout)
Class variables
var pytestmark
def test_create_image_from_volume(self, api_client, unique_name, export_storage_class, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.dependency(name="create_image_from_volume") def test_create_image_from_volume( self, api_client, unique_name, export_storage_class, wait_timeout ): """ Test create image from volume Steps: 1. Create a volume "test-volume" in Volumes page 2. Export the volume to image "export-image" 3. Check the image "export-image" exists 4. Cleanup image "export-image" on Images page 5. Cleanup volume "test-volume" on Volumes page """ volume_name = f"volume-{unique_name}" image_name = f"image-{unique_name}" spec = api_client.volumes.Spec(1) code, data = api_client.volumes.create(volume_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (code, data) # Check volume ready endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.volumes.get(volume_name) if data["status"]["phase"] == "Bound": break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to delete volume {volume_name} bound in {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) api_client.volumes.export(volume_name, image_name, export_storage_class) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) image_id = "" while endtime > code, data = api_client.images.get() assert 200 == code, (code, data) for image in data["items"]: if image["spec"]["displayName"] == image_name: if 100 == image.get("status", {}).get("progress", 0): image_id = image["metadata"]["name"] break else: raise AssertionError(f"Failed to find image {image_name}") if image_id != "": break sleep(3) # snooze delete_volume(api_client, volume_name, wait_timeout) delete_image(api_client, image_id, wait_timeout)
Test create image from volume
- Create a volume "test-volume" in Volumes page
- Export the volume to image "export-image"
- Check the image "export-image" exists
- Cleanup image "export-image" on Images page
- Cleanup volume "test-volume" on Volumes page
def test_create_image_url(self, image_info, unique_name, api_client, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.dependency(name="create_image_url") def test_create_image_url(self, image_info, unique_name, api_client, wait_timeout): """ Test create raw and iso type image from url Steps: 1. Open image page and select default URL 2. Input qcow2 image file download URL, wait for download complete 3. Check the qcow2 image exists 4. Input iso image file download URL, wait for download complete 5. Check the iso image exists """ image_name = f"{}-{unique_name}" image_url = image_info.url create_image_url(api_client, image_name, image_url, image_info.image_checksum, wait_timeout)
Test create raw and iso type image from url
Steps: 1. Open image page and select default URL 2. Input qcow2 image file download URL, wait for download complete 3. Check the qcow2 image exists 4. Input iso image file download URL, wait for download complete 5. Check the iso image exists
def test_create_invalid_file(self, api_client, gen_unique_name, fake_invalid_image_file, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.mark.p0 def test_create_invalid_file( self, api_client, gen_unique_name, fake_invalid_image_file, wait_timeout ): """ Test create upload image from invalid file type Steps: 1. Prepare an invalid file that is not in a multiple of 512 bytes 2. Try to upload invalid image file which to images page 2. Check should get an error """ unique_name = gen_unique_name() resp = api_client.images.create_by_file(unique_name, fake_invalid_image_file) assert ( 500 == resp.status_code ), f"File size correct, it's a multiple of 512 bytes:{resp.status_code}, {resp.content}" delete_image(api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout)
Test create upload image from invalid file type
Steps: 1. Prepare an invalid file that is not in a multiple of 512 bytes 2. Try to upload invalid image file which to images page 2. Check should get an error
def test_delete_image_recreate(self, api_client, image_info, unique_name, fake_image_file, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.mark.skip_version_if("> v1.2.0", "<= v1.4.0", reason="Issue#4293 fix after `v1.4.0`") @pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.dependency(name="delete_image_recreate", depends=["create_image_url"]) def test_delete_image_recreate( self, api_client, image_info, unique_name, fake_image_file, wait_timeout, ): """ Test create raw and iso type image from file Steps: 1. Check the image created by URL exists 2. Delete the newly created image 3. Create an iso file type image from URL 4. Check the iso image exists 5. Upload an qcow2 file type image 5. Delete the newly uploaded file 6. Upload a new qcow2 file type image """ image_name = f"{}-{unique_name}" image_url = image_info.url get_image(api_client, image_name) delete_image(api_client, image_name, wait_timeout) create_image_url(api_client, image_name, image_url, wait_timeout) get_image(api_client, image_name) resp = api_client.images.create_by_file(unique_name, fake_image_file) assert ( 200 == resp.status_code ), f"Failed to upload fake image with error:{resp.status_code}, {resp.content}" get_image(api_client, unique_name) delete_image(api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout) resp = api_client.images.create_by_file(unique_name, fake_image_file) assert ( 200 == resp.status_code ), f"Failed to upload fake image with error:{resp.status_code}, {resp.content}" get_image(api_client, unique_name) delete_image(api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout)
Test create raw and iso type image from file
Steps: 1. Check the image created by URL exists 2. Delete the newly created image 3. Create an iso file type image from URL 4. Check the iso image exists 5. Upload an qcow2 file type image 5. Delete the newly uploaded file 6. Upload a new qcow2 file type image
def test_edit_image_in_use(self, api_client, unique_name, image_info, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.dependency(name="edit_image_in_use", depends=["create_image_url"]) def test_edit_image_in_use(self, api_client, unique_name, image_info, wait_timeout): """ Test can edit image which already in use Steps: 1. Check the image created from URL exists 2. Create a volume from existing image 3. Update the image labels and description 4. Check can change the image content """ image_name = f"{}-{unique_name}" volume_name = f"volume-{}-{unique_name}" code, data = api_client.images.get(name=image_name) assert 200 == code, (code, data) image_id = f"{data['metadata']['namespace']}/{image_name}" # Create volume from image_id spec = api_client.volumes.Spec(1) code, data = api_client.volumes.create(volume_name, spec, image_id=image_id) assert 201 == code, (code, data) # Check volume ready endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.volumes.get(volume_name) if data["status"]["phase"] == "Bound": break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to delete volume {unique_name} bound in {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" ) # Update image content updates = { "labels": {"usage-label": "yes"}, "annotations": {"": "edit image in use"}, } # Update image by input code, data = api_client.images.update(image_name, dict(metadata=updates)) assert 200 == code, f"Failed to update image with error: {code}, {data}" unexpected = list() for field, pairs in updates.items(): for k, val in pairs.items(): if data["metadata"][field].get(k) != val: unexpected.append((field, k, val, data["metadata"][field].get(k))) assert not unexpected, "\n".join( f"Update {f} failed, set key {k} as {v} but got {n}" for f, k, v, n in unexpected ) delete_volume(api_client, volume_name, wait_timeout) delete_image(api_client, image_name, wait_timeout)
Test can edit image which already in use
Steps: 1. Check the image created from URL exists 2. Create a volume from existing image 3. Update the image labels and description 4. Check can change the image content
class TestImageWithStorageNetwork
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.skip_version_if("< v1.0.3") @pytest.mark.usefixtures("storage_network") class TestImageWithStorageNetwork: @pytest.mark.dependency(name="create_image_by_file") def test_create_image_by_file(self, api_client, fake_image_file, unique_name): resp = api_client.images.create_by_file(unique_name, fake_image_file) assert resp.ok, f"Fail to upload fake image with error: {resp.status_code}, {resp.text}" code, data = api_client.images.get(unique_name) assert 200 == code, (code, data) assert unique_name == data["metadata"]["name"], (code, data) @pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["create_image_by_file"]) def test_download_image(self, api_client, fake_image_file, tmp_path, unique_name): resp = assert resp.ok, f"Fail to download fake image with error: {resp.status_code}, {resp.text}" filename ='filename=(\S+)', resp.headers.get("Content-Disposition")) assert filename, f"No filename info in the response header: {resp.headers}" filename = filename.groups()[0] tmp_image_file = tmp_path / filename tmp_image_file.write_bytes( zlib.decompress(resp.content, 32+15) if ".gz" in filename else resp.content ) assert filecmp.cmp(fake_image_file, tmp_image_file), ( "Contents of downloaded image is NOT identical to the fake image" ) @pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["create_image_by_file"]) def test_delete_image(self, api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout, sleep_timeout): code, data = api_client.images.delete(unique_name) assert 200 == code, (code, data) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.images.get(unique_name) if code == 404: break sleep(sleep_timeout) else: raise AssertionError( f"Fail to delete image {unique_name} with error: {code}, {data}" )
Class variables
var pytestmark
def test_create_image_by_file(self, api_client, fake_image_file, unique_name)
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@pytest.mark.dependency(name="create_image_by_file") def test_create_image_by_file(self, api_client, fake_image_file, unique_name): resp = api_client.images.create_by_file(unique_name, fake_image_file) assert resp.ok, f"Fail to upload fake image with error: {resp.status_code}, {resp.text}" code, data = api_client.images.get(unique_name) assert 200 == code, (code, data) assert unique_name == data["metadata"]["name"], (code, data)
def test_delete_image(self, api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout, sleep_timeout)
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@pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["create_image_by_file"]) def test_delete_image(self, api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout, sleep_timeout): code, data = api_client.images.delete(unique_name) assert 200 == code, (code, data) endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.images.get(unique_name) if code == 404: break sleep(sleep_timeout) else: raise AssertionError( f"Fail to delete image {unique_name} with error: {code}, {data}" )
def test_download_image(self, api_client, fake_image_file, tmp_path, unique_name)
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@pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["create_image_by_file"]) def test_download_image(self, api_client, fake_image_file, tmp_path, unique_name): resp = assert resp.ok, f"Fail to download fake image with error: {resp.status_code}, {resp.text}" filename ='filename=(\S+)', resp.headers.get("Content-Disposition")) assert filename, f"No filename info in the response header: {resp.headers}" filename = filename.groups()[0] tmp_image_file = tmp_path / filename tmp_image_file.write_bytes( zlib.decompress(resp.content, 32+15) if ".gz" in filename else resp.content ) assert filecmp.cmp(fake_image_file, tmp_image_file), ( "Contents of downloaded image is NOT identical to the fake image" )