Module harvester_e2e_tests.integrations.test_0_storage_network


def cluster_network(request, api_client, unique_name)
def test_storage_network(api_client, cluster_network, vlan_id, unique_name, wait_timeout, setting_checker)

To cover test: -


  • All VMs should be halted
  • All nodes should be selected in cluster network


  1. Create VM Network with the VLAN ID to get CIDR
  2. Delete the VM Network
  3. Create Storage Network with the cluster network, VLAN ID and IP Range(CIDR)
  4. Verify Storage Network be configured Expected Result:
    • Status of Storage Network should be reason: Completed and status:True
    • Pods of Longhorn's instance manager should be status.phase: Running
    • And should have value metadata.annotations:
    • And one of the value should contains interface:lhnet1
      • And the value of ips should be in the IP Range