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def setting_checker(api_client, wait_timeout, sleep_timeout):
class SettingChecker:
def __init__(self):
self.settings = api_client.settings
self.nets_annotation = 'k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks'
self.net_status_annotation = 'k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/network-status'
def _storage_net_configured(self):
code, data = self.settings.get('storage-network')
if (cs := data.get('status', {}).get('conditions')):
if 'True' == cs[-1].get('status') and 'Completed' == cs[-1].get('reason'):
return True, (code, data)
return False, (code, data)
@wait_until(wait_timeout, sleep_timeout)
def wait_storage_net_enabled_on_harvester(self):
snet_configured, (code, data) = self._storage_net_configured()
if snet_configured and data.get('value'):
return True, (code, data)
return False, (code, data)
@wait_until(wait_timeout, sleep_timeout)
def wait_storage_net_disabled_on_harvester(self):
snet_configured, (code, data) = self._storage_net_configured()
if snet_configured and not data.get('value'):
return True, (code, data)
return False, (code, data)
def _lh_instance_mgrs_running(self):
code, data = api_client.get_pods(namespace='longhorn-system')
if not (code == 200):
return False, (code, data)
lh_instance_mgrs = [pod for pod in data['data'] if 'instance-manager' in pod['id']]
if not lh_instance_mgrs:
return False, ("No instance-manager pods", data)
for imgr in lh_instance_mgrs:
if 'Running' != imgr['status']['phase']:
return False, (f"Pod {imgr['id']} is not Running", imgr)
return True, (None, lh_instance_mgrs)
@wait_until(wait_timeout, sleep_timeout)
def wait_storage_net_enabled_on_longhorn(self, snet_cidr):
imgrs_running, (code, data) = self._lh_instance_mgrs_running()
if not imgrs_running:
return False, (code, data)
for imgr in data:
annotations = imgr['metadata']['annotations']
for na in [self.nets_annotation, self.net_status_annotation]:
if na not in annotations:
return False, (f"Pod has no annotation {na}", imgr)
# Check k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks
nets = json.loads(annotations[self.nets_annotation])
snet = next(n for n in nets if 'lhnet1' == n.get('interface'))
except StopIteration:
msg = f"Annotation {self.nets_annotation} has no interface 'lhnet1'"
return False, (msg, imgr)
# Check k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/network-status
net_statuses = json.loads(annotations[self.net_status_annotation])
snet_status = next(s for s in net_statuses if 'lhnet1' == s.get('interface'))
except StopIteration:
msg = f"Annotation {self.net_status_annotation} has no interface 'lhnet1'"
return False, (msg, imgr)
snet_ips = snet_status.get('ips', ['::1'])
if not all(ip_address(sip) in ip_network(snet_cidr) for sip in snet_ips):
return False, (f"Dedicated IPs {snet_ips} does NOT fits {snet_cidr}", imgr)
# Check network name identical in both annotations
if f"{snet.get('namespace')}/{snet.get('name')}" != snet_status.get('name'):
msg = "Network name is not identical between annotations {} and {}".format(
self.nets_annotation, self.net_status_annotation)
return False, (msg, imgr)
return True, (None, None)
@wait_until(wait_timeout, sleep_timeout)
def wait_storage_net_disabled_on_longhorn(self):
imgrs_running, (code, data) = self._lh_instance_mgrs_running()
if not imgrs_running:
return False, (code, data)
for imgr in data:
if self.nets_annotation in imgr['metadata']['annotations']:
return False, (f"Pod should not has annotation {self.nets_annotation}", imgr)
return True, (None, None)
return SettingChecker()