Module harvester_e2e_tests.apis.test_volumes
class TestVolumes
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.volumes class TestVolumes: def test_create(self, api_client, unique_name): """ 1. Create a new image from the default entries in the spec 2. Check that the create command gets a 201 response """ spec = api_client.volumes.Spec(1) code, data = api_client.volumes.create(unique_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (code, data) def test_get(self, api_client, unique_name): """ 1. Runs a get command on the volume created in the previous test note: this will fail if you run it by itself 2. It will fail if it doesn't return a 200 """ # Case 1: get all volumes code, data = api_client.volumes.get() assert 200 == code, (code, data) assert len(data['data']) > 0, (code, data) # Case 2: get specific volume code, data = api_client.volumes.get(unique_name) assert 200 == code, (code, data) assert unique_name == data['metadata']['name'], (code, data) def test_update_size(self, api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout): """ 1. Updates the volume created in the previous test to 10GB note: this will fail if you run it by itself 2. It will loop while waiting for it to update and error out if it doesn't """ # Pre-condition: Volume is Ready endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.volumes.get(unique_name) if "Bound" == data['status']['phase']: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( "Volume not changed to phase: _Bound_ with {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Got error: {code}, {data}" ) spec = api_client.volumes.Spec.from_dict(data) spec.size = "10Gi" code, data = api_client.volumes.update(unique_name, spec) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to update volume with error: {code}, {data}") def test_delete(self, api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout): """ 1. Deletes the volume created in the previous test note: this will fail if you run it by itself 2. It will loop while waiting for it to delete and error out if it doesn't """ code, data = api_client.volumes.delete(unique_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to delete volume with error: {code}, {data}") endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.volumes.get(unique_name) if code == 404: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to delete volume {unique_name} with {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" )
Class variables
var pytestmark
def test_create(self, api_client, unique_name)
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def test_create(self, api_client, unique_name): """ 1. Create a new image from the default entries in the spec 2. Check that the create command gets a 201 response """ spec = api_client.volumes.Spec(1) code, data = api_client.volumes.create(unique_name, spec) assert 201 == code, (code, data)
- Create a new image from the default entries in the spec
- Check that the create command gets a 201 response
def test_delete(self, api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout)
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def test_delete(self, api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout): """ 1. Deletes the volume created in the previous test note: this will fail if you run it by itself 2. It will loop while waiting for it to delete and error out if it doesn't """ code, data = api_client.volumes.delete(unique_name) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to delete volume with error: {code}, {data}") endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.volumes.get(unique_name) if code == 404: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( f"Failed to delete volume {unique_name} with {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Still got {code} with {data}" )
- Deletes the volume created in the previous test note: this will fail if you run it by itself
- It will loop while waiting for it to delete and error out if it doesn't
def test_get(self, api_client, unique_name)
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def test_get(self, api_client, unique_name): """ 1. Runs a get command on the volume created in the previous test note: this will fail if you run it by itself 2. It will fail if it doesn't return a 200 """ # Case 1: get all volumes code, data = api_client.volumes.get() assert 200 == code, (code, data) assert len(data['data']) > 0, (code, data) # Case 2: get specific volume code, data = api_client.volumes.get(unique_name) assert 200 == code, (code, data) assert unique_name == data['metadata']['name'], (code, data)
- Runs a get command on the volume created in the previous test note: this will fail if you run it by itself
- It will fail if it doesn't return a 200
def test_update_size(self, api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout)
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def test_update_size(self, api_client, unique_name, wait_timeout): """ 1. Updates the volume created in the previous test to 10GB note: this will fail if you run it by itself 2. It will loop while waiting for it to update and error out if it doesn't """ # Pre-condition: Volume is Ready endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout) while endtime > code, data = api_client.volumes.get(unique_name) if "Bound" == data['status']['phase']: break sleep(5) else: raise AssertionError( "Volume not changed to phase: _Bound_ with {wait_timeout} timed out\n" f"Got error: {code}, {data}" ) spec = api_client.volumes.Spec.from_dict(data) spec.size = "10Gi" code, data = api_client.volumes.update(unique_name, spec) assert 200 == code, (f"Failed to update volume with error: {code}, {data}")
- Updates the volume created in the previous test to 10GB note: this will fail if you run it by itself
- It will loop while waiting for it to update and error out if it doesn't
class TestVolumesNegative
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@pytest.mark.p0 @pytest.mark.negative @pytest.mark.volumes class TestVolumesNegative: def test_get_not_exist(self, api_client, unique_name): """ 1. Tries to get a volume that doesn't exist 2. Checks that the get command gets a 404 """ code, data = api_client.volumes.get(unique_name) assert 404 == code, (code, data) assert "NotFound" == data.get('code'), (code, data) def test_delete_not_exist(self, api_client, unique_name): """ 1. Tries to delete a volume that doesn't exist 2. Checks that it gets a 404 """ code, data = api_client.volumes.delete(unique_name) assert 404 == code, (code, data) assert "NotFound" == data.get("code"), (code, data) def test_create_without_size(self, api_client, unique_name): """ 1. Tries to create a volume without a size 2. Checks that it gets a 422 """ spec = api_client.volumes.Spec(0) code, data = api_client.volumes.create(unique_name, spec) assert 422 == code, (code, data) assert "Invalid" == data.get("code"), (code, data) def test_create_without_name(self, api_client): """ 1. Tries to create a volume without a name 2. Checks that it gets a 422 """ spec = api_client.volumes.Spec(1) code, data = api_client.volumes.create("", spec) assert 422 == code, (code, data) assert "Invalid" == data.get("code"), (code, data)
Class variables
var pytestmark
def test_create_without_name(self, api_client)
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def test_create_without_name(self, api_client): """ 1. Tries to create a volume without a name 2. Checks that it gets a 422 """ spec = api_client.volumes.Spec(1) code, data = api_client.volumes.create("", spec) assert 422 == code, (code, data) assert "Invalid" == data.get("code"), (code, data)
- Tries to create a volume without a name
- Checks that it gets a 422
def test_create_without_size(self, api_client, unique_name)
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def test_create_without_size(self, api_client, unique_name): """ 1. Tries to create a volume without a size 2. Checks that it gets a 422 """ spec = api_client.volumes.Spec(0) code, data = api_client.volumes.create(unique_name, spec) assert 422 == code, (code, data) assert "Invalid" == data.get("code"), (code, data)
- Tries to create a volume without a size
- Checks that it gets a 422
def test_delete_not_exist(self, api_client, unique_name)
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def test_delete_not_exist(self, api_client, unique_name): """ 1. Tries to delete a volume that doesn't exist 2. Checks that it gets a 404 """ code, data = api_client.volumes.delete(unique_name) assert 404 == code, (code, data) assert "NotFound" == data.get("code"), (code, data)
- Tries to delete a volume that doesn't exist
- Checks that it gets a 404
def test_get_not_exist(self, api_client, unique_name)
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def test_get_not_exist(self, api_client, unique_name): """ 1. Tries to get a volume that doesn't exist 2. Checks that the get command gets a 404 """ code, data = api_client.volumes.get(unique_name) assert 404 == code, (code, data) assert "NotFound" == data.get('code'), (code, data)
- Tries to get a volume that doesn't exist
- Checks that the get command gets a 404