Module harvester_e2e_tests.apis.test_hosts


def test_delete_host(api_client, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["get_host"], name="delete_host")
def test_delete_host(api_client, wait_timeout):
    Test the hosts are the nodes which make the cluster
        hosts-07-Delete the host
    _, nodes_info = api_client.hosts.get()

    node = nodes_info['data'][-1]

    delete_resp = api_client.hosts.delete(node['id'])

    endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout)

    while endtime >
        status_code, node_stats = api_client.hosts.get(node['id'])
        if status_code == 404:
        raise AssertionError(f"Failed to delete host {node['id']}\n",
                             f"Delete response: {delete_resp}\n"
                             f"timeout {wait_timeout} and still got: {status_code}, {node_stats}")

Test the hosts are the nodes which make the cluster


hosts-07-Delete the host

def test_get_host(api_client)
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def test_get_host(api_client):
    # Case 1: Get all nodes
    status_code, nodes_info = api_client.hosts.get()

    assert status_code == 200, f"Failed to list nodes with error: {nodes_info}"
    assert len(nodes_info['data']) >= 1, "Incorrect hosts amount"

    # Case 2: Get specific node
    node_id = nodes_info['data'][-1]['id']

    status_code, node = api_client.hosts.get(node_id)

    assert status_code == 200, f"Failed ot get node {node_id} with error: {node}"
    assert node_id == node['id'], f"Responsed unexpected Node {node['id']}"
def test_maintenance_mode(api_client, wait_timeout)
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@pytest.mark.dependency(depends=["get_host"], name="enable_maintenance_mode")
def test_maintenance_mode(api_client, wait_timeout):
    Test the hosts are the nodes which make the cluster
        hosts-03-Verify Enabling maintenance mode
        hosts-12-Host with no VMs on it

    _, nodes_info = api_client.hosts.get()

    # Test on the last node to avoid affect VIP
    node_id = nodes_info['data'][-1]['id']

    # Case 1: enable
    status_code, node_stats = api_client.hosts.maintenance_mode(node_id, enable=True)
    assert 204 == status_code, (status_code, node_stats)

    maintain_stat = "Unknown"
    endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout)
    while endtime >
        _, stats = api_client.hosts.get(node_id)
        if stats['spec'].get('unschedulable'):
            maintain_stat = stats["metadata"]["annotations"].get("")
            if maintain_stat in ("running", "completed"):
        raise AssertionError(
            f"Node({node_id}) not entered maintenance mode after {wait_timeout} secs\n"
            f"maintain-status: {maintain_stat}\t"

    # Case 2: disable
    status_code, node_stats = api_client.hosts.maintenance_mode(node_id, enable=False)

    endtime = + timedelta(seconds=wait_timeout)
    while endtime >
        _, stats = api_client.hosts.get(node_id)
        if ("" not in stats["metadata"]["annotations"]
           and "unschedulable" not in stats["spec"]):
        raise AssertionError(
            f"Node({node_id}) not leave maintenance mode after disabled {wait_timeout} secs\n"
            f'maintain stat:{stats["metadata"]["annotations"][""]}'

Test the hosts are the nodes which make the cluster


hosts-03-Verify Enabling maintenance mode hosts-12-Host with no VMs on it

def test_update_node(api_client)
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def test_update_node(api_client):
    Test the hosts are the nodes which make the cluster
        hosts-04-Edit Config Add description and other details

    fields = ('', '')

    _, nodes_info = api_client.hosts.get()

    # There is no different to update any nodes, so we use the last.
    node = nodes_info['data'][-1]
    original_annotations = {k: node['metadata']['annotations'].get(k, "")
                            for k in fields}

    test_annotations = {k: f"Test_update_{k}_{}" for k in fields}
    test_data = dict(metadata=dict(annotations=test_annotations))

    status_code, node_stats = api_client.hosts.update(node['id'], test_data)

    assert 200 == status_code, (status_code, node_stats)

    not_updated_fields = list()
    for k, v in test_annotations.items():
        if node_stats['metadata']['annotations'].get(k) != v:
            not_updated_fields.append((k, v, node_stats['metadata']['annotations'].get(k)))

    assert len(not_updated_fields) == 0, (
        f"Fields not fully updated, API return `{status_code}`\n"
        "\n".join(f"field:{k}, expected: {v}, got {o}" for k, v, o in not_updated_fields)

    # For teardown
    sleep(1)  # to prevent update too fast cause code 409 conflict: 'object has been modified'
    code, data = api_client.hosts.update(node['id'],

    assert 200 == code, (code, data)

Test the hosts are the nodes which make the cluster


hosts-04-Edit Config Add description and other details

def test_update_using_yaml(api_client)
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def test_update_using_yaml(api_client):
    Test the hosts are the nodes which make the cluster
        hosts-05-Edit through Yaml

    fields = ('', '')

    _, nodes_info = api_client.hosts.get()

    # There is no different to update any nodes, so we use the last.
    node = nodes_info['data'][-1]
    original_annotations = {k: node['metadata']['annotations'].get(k, "")
                            for k in fields}

    test_annotations = {k: f"Test_update_{k}_{}" for k in fields}
    for k, v in test_annotations.items():
        node['metadata']['annotations'][k] = v

    api_client.hosts.update(node['id'], yaml.dump(node, sort_keys=False), as_json=False,
                            headers={"Content-Type": "application/yaml"})

    status_code, node_stats = api_client.hosts.get(node['id'])

    not_updated_fields = list()
    for k, v in test_annotations.items():
        if node_stats['metadata']['annotations'].get(k) != v:
            not_updated_fields.append((k, v, node_stats['metadata']['annotations'].get(k)))

    assert len(not_updated_fields) == 0, (
        f"Fields not fully updated, API return `{status_code}`\n"
        "\n".join(f"field:{k}, expected: {v}, got {o}" for k, v, o in not_updated_fields)

    # For teardown
    sleep(1)  # to prevent update too fast cause code 409 conflict: 'object has been modified'
    code, data = api_client.hosts.update(node['id'],

    assert 200 == code, (code, data)

Test the hosts are the nodes which make the cluster


hosts-05-Edit through Yaml